Looking for a developer!

I am starting a Pixelmon Server and I am looking for a Developer to help run the Sponge side of things. If you are interested please respond or send me a message. Thanks for your time!

Are you french ?

Because I’m an admin of a French Pixelmon Server on Sponge, and if you’re interrested you can join me :slight_smile:

I am not French and I have a community to the server I will be running and I can not leave then. Thanks for the post!

haha! :slight_smile: okay then if you need some help, I could help you as much as I can ^^

Warning: There are some problems when you use Pixelmon and Sponge together. Just search the forums for “pixelmon”.

This ^

Unless the pixelmon dev(s) fix some serious bugs your server would have issues staying online

I have had no problems with sponge and pixelmon so far. I have setup my own server with all sponge plugins and am about to release tomorrow. With the new sponge build 1000+ no problems have arisen yet

I’m thinking like @abused_master, my servers never crash for strange reasons. It still have some crashes but a moded version of Minecraft can’t run without crashes.

I get like 4-5 different types of crashes, can go 30 mins and have the server crash 3-4 times or it can go 6h and not crash once. Everytime I send and error report to someone they say “pixelmon” lol

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