Looking for GUI and market plugins

Hello there,

I’m currently looking for 2 plugins:

  1. Something like chestcommands (Where I can make a GUI and every item in the gui executes a command that I make it do) - https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chest-commands/

  2. Something like globalmarket (A way where people can post their items for a specific price) - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/global-market/

for sponge 1.8.9

Chest commands isn’t possible yet due to Inventory API being incomplete. I wouldnt anticipate 1.8.9 having it added

So is there any way to have GUI’s on sponge 1.8.9?

Yes, but:

  1. Only the Player Inventory can be accessed yet afaik, so one would have to store a players inventory, clear it, create the GUI and add it back when the player exits the GUI or the server restarts, but if the server crashes, while the player is in the GUI his inventory would be lost, to prevent that you could store it in a file.
  2. The event that triggers when an item is clicked does not return either the item or the slot where that happened yet, so you need to have a task running which regularily checks if an item is not in place anymore and thus must have been clicked.

It is possible in my Opinion but not very neat, and not very efficient. And since those problems will be fixed (at least I hope so), its probably not worth coding it this complicated, when it can be done way easier then.

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I understand now, thanks a lot for your response :slight_smile: