MaintenanceSponge - Enable maintenance mode with a custom maintenance motd and icon

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, MaintenanceSponge. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


NOW MOVED TO KennyTV / Maintenance


FYI plugins with ‘Sponge’ in the name aren’t allowed on Ore unless this is a port of something or it deals with sponge blocks.

Yeah I am aware, tho it techinically it a port, as the plugin originally started as a Bungee plugin.
But eitherway, if that still is a problem, I’ll just rename it ^^

A new version has been released for Maintenance, it is available for download here.

Maintenance 3.0.1 has been released, featuring an addon for PlaceholderAPI placeholders, continuation of endtimers after restarts, massive file size reduction and some bugfixes.
A full changelog can be read HERE.

Nvm the placeholders, that’s not part of the Sponge module :eyes:

A new version has been released for Maintenance, it is available for download here.

  • Added config option timerspecific-pingmessages to have specific pingmessages shown when endtimers are run
    • You can also set them ingame by using /maintenance setmotd timer <index> ... instead of /maintenance setmotd <index> ..., along with /maintenance removemotd timer <index> and /maintenance motd timer
  • Made dumps a little prettier
  • Support Sponge 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Hello, is there any way to whitelist some people from the maintenance kickstart compared? For example: If I put an admin grade to a person, it will not kick as soon as maintenance is enabled. If that’s not possible, it would be nice, instead of switching and whitelist each player in the config file! Thank !

Either you whitelist them before enabling (/maintenance add <player>) or you can use a dev build and set kick-online-players to false to not kick online players but only prevent new ones from joining

You can use /maintenance starttimer <minutes> and /maintenance endtimer <minutes> to schedule its start/end :wink:

A new version has been released for Maintenance, it is available for download here.

  • Added the messages of the help command into the language files
  • Added config option kick-online-players to disable the kicks when maintenance is enabled (new connections will still be blocked)… not sure why you’d want that, but you can :stuck_out_tongue:
  • The language file will now be automatically updated as well, so no need to delete and recreate it anymore, yay!
  • Updated missing and new translations in French language file (thanks to Spigot user Zendrique)
  • Updated missing and new translations in Spanish language file (thanks to Spigot user Vixo_Ulises)
  • Fixed the config autoupdater when the config contained strings broken over multiple line

A new version has been released for Maintenance, it is available for download here.

  • Added Russian language file (thanks to Spigot user En_0t_S)
  • Updated missing translations in Portuguese language file (thanks to Spigot user JoaoPinto)
  • Updated bStats metrics
  • Fixed singleserver timers using input as seconds instead of minutes (by mxs42)
  • Fixed language updating with an unknown/self-translated language file

NOW MOVED TO KennyTV / Maintenance

The plugin identifier changed from maintenancesponge to maintenance, so a new page had to be created.