MakeStuffUseful - Make some cosmetic-only pixelmon blocks actually useful

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, MakeStuffUseful. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


This plugin is very simple, it allows players to use pixelmon workplaces as actual PCs, and makes it so throwing items on top of pixelmon trash cans actually deletes them, also supports pixelmon clocks, vanilla clocks, and bikes ownership. For people with bad aim, you can also right click the bin in order to manually move items in

Only supports Pixelmon Reforged, no config.


  • makestuffuseful.bikes.admin
    Forcibly removes a bike, even if that user isn’t the owner, by shift+left clicking

A new version has been released for MakeStuffUseful, it is available for download here.

First release

A new version has been released for MakeStuffUseful, it is available for download here.

Added Pixelmon Clocks functionality (right click the clock, just like how you would right click a crafting table), it now tells you the time (dawn, dusk, day, etc. Really useful to use it along /checkspawns)
Added Vanilla Clocks functionality (same as pixelmon clock, in this case though, you don’t need to place it down, just right click it in the air)
Added Bikes support. If a player doesn’t own a specific bike, they will no longer be able to steal it.
Added a bypass permission for the bikes, makestuffuseful.bikes.admin. If the user has this permission, shift+left click to forcibly remove the bike