Multiple arguments in a created command

Hi all.
I was looking at command arguments and was wondering if it would be possible to set numerous argument checks for a single input:

ie. /entrycommand <RemainingJoinedStrings (all remaining words, regardless of spaces are grouped into a single string)>

Thanks for any input!

I’m a bit confused about what it is you want. If you want to have a command with multiple arguments you just pass in all the arguments together like so.

		.arguments(GenericArguments.string("argOne"), GenericArguments.string("argTwo"))
		.<other stuff>

If you want to to multiple checks on the command itself, so for example for an optional argument that requires a specific permission this is what you would use this.

		.arguments(GenericArguments.optional(GenericArguments.requiringPermission(GenericArguments.string("specialArg"), "your.permission.node")))
		.<other stuff>

If there is no argument to do the check beforehand you need to do it in the command executor instead.

Ok, thanks for the help.