Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

I really like the idea of the [], {}, and () stuff (idk what they’re called) in the motd and info files. Would it be possible to implement that to /broadcast and /pbc as well?

How do I make it so that when I set the prefix to something like “&0[&fPrefix&0]&4” (in luckperms) that the name behind it shows up as &4 (dark red)? My nucleus config (templates part of the chat module):

templates {
    # The default chat template if no group templates apply.
    default {
        # The default colour for a player's chat if the "chatcolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "namecolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour).
        # The default styles for a player's chat if the "chatstyle" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatstyle" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no style).
        # The default colour for a player's name if the "namecolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatcolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour).
        # Sets the prefix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
        prefix="{{prefix}}{{displayname}}{{suffix}}&f: "
        # Sets the suffix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name

I saw this in the nucleus documentation:
If you want to change the colour of a player’s name in general, don’t add a colour code to the end of the prefix. Instead, use the namecolor permission option, as this will tell Nucleus to use that colour all across the plugin.
However, I can’t find what that namecolor permission option is exactly. I also want to have the option to have different name colours for different individual people, so group templates aren’t an option.

I also think it’s kind of weird that I need to apply two different things when I don’t have to (the namecolour and the prefix). With essentialschat and groupmanager on spigot this always worked fine and was just as configurable.

My suggestion would be that if
that it would just use whatever colorcode was used in front of it (from the prefix in this case).

Or is there another way to do this that I haven’t found?

@Khaoz How do you mean exactly? A custom prefix is dependant on what a permissions plugin hands to me and I only get to see that prefix/option, if you want weighting for custom prefixes - it might be better to ask the permissions plugin how to get it to hand back the option you want. I think LuckPerms has had a recent update to return the primary group first, or something.

I would like to see weighting, but I think that’s a permissions plugin problem.

@Mikirae Maybe. It’s been requested loads of times, just a case of getting that right.

@SnowBlitzz I don’t see it being hard to do. Bet you’re getting an auto-broadcaster to do that, right?

@OasisMaximus At the time, I had no way to bleed the text colour into the main body, so this is why the namecolor option was brought in. That said, the prefix shouldn’t really be controlling the rest of the formatting, and for compatibility, it’s not something I’m keen on doing now, because everyone else might get a rude awakening if I do that - their formatting might change. I want to avoid breaking changes like that. Further, using an option rather than the prefix means that if I display the name elsewhere in Nucleus without the prefix, the colour is kept.

As the docs say, it’s a permission option, like home-count. So, as you’re using LuckPerms, on the group you want to apply it to: /lp group <group name> meta set namecolor <colourcode or name>, or for a user, swap “group” for “user” and replace the group name with the user name.

Why do fresh spawns spawn away from where i do /setspawn. It’s generally above the ground i set it in or under the water.

Do you mean new players?

Version 0.20.0 has been released!

And it’s now on Ore!

Download Nucleus from Ore at Nucleus / Nucleus
Download NucleusMixins from Ore at Nucleus / Nucleus Mixins

We should also start migrating discussion to the Ore page, as I believe that this forum will be closed soon. Alternatively, visit our Discord!


I’d love to see it :smiley: Just another channel that worked like staff chat would be good :smiley:

Yes, I’m using commandscheduler so it runs through the console.

did /nick on a player the command is the first line in the pastebin. Just gave me “An error occured trying to perform this command.” ingame

Well, it’s me not handling the error on my part properly - it’ll work with the []- characters for now. Don’t see why I should restrict you from using those characters, so it’ll be available next time around, unless I spot a technical reason as to why I need to restrict things.


is it possible to create warp signs?

:open_mouth: If warp signs get added, would love to see signs that could make players switch worlds

It is in the plan to create various types of signs. A while ago, I tried, couldn’t get the DataAPI to save the data over restarts and then forgot about it. I do want to tackle it again soon. I’ll try starting with warp signs.

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I can’t turn socialspy off, I have updated the jar file and restarted and nothing is working, I don’t have a force perm either.

Apparently if a player is offline and you attempt to tempban them it sometimes doesn’t work:

I’m getting the same error when banning, kicking, muting, etc, but the command still goes through. It just shows “Error occured while executing command” instead of the ban/mute/kick successful msg.

Also, a somewhat random-ish question. idk if its the permission plugin handling this or nucleus, but is it possible to add more than 1 prefixes? [Prefix1][Prefix2]Playername[Suffix]

Would it be possible to put an option so that when the players are mute they can still send messages

@todays Hmm, I’ll look into it.

@sheogorath @SnowBlitzz Do you get a stack trace similar to [0.18.0] EntityPlayerMP - No Value Present Error · Issue #571 · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub (if you turn on debug mode)? I think that’s possibly a Sponge problem, it seems to have turned up semi-recently and without update to Nucleus. I’ll see if I can work it out.

@SnowBlitzz Yep, and it has done for some time! Nucleus can take any alphanumeric permission option as a prefix/suffix - - look under Custom Prefixes. Basically, if you have a permission option chat2, you can add the token {{o:chat2}}, or, for added bonus points, {{o:chat2:s}} will add a space after the token automatically if it exists.

@Heriptik That defeats the object of a mute - why would you want this?


That’s amazing! Didn’t know that existed. Nuclues is growing strong. I’ll try it out tomorrow :smiley:


I’ve been getting some lag for the past few months and I have no idea what it was. I started to remove plugins one by one to see what’s causing it and it came down to Nucleus. I don’t know if this plugin uses a lot of resources or what but it doesn’t go well with a heavily modded server (Pixelmon). I was wondering if you’d like to check into this and hopefully optimize a number of resources it uses? Or I can totally be mistaking.

I am currently on 1.10.2 running Nucleus 0.20.0, SpongeForge 2057 (API 5), & Forge 2202.