Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

I have just released version 0.1, as a stepping stone to a full release. It is now available for testing. If you want to dive right in, see Releases · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub for the downloads, and documentation will be added at over the next few days.

Things might break. If they do, tell us! I hope to get a 0.2 release out within the next month with a lot more to show.

It has taken three months to get to this point so far, especially as Nucleus over the past six weeks or so, so I’d like to add a few thank yous. These are, @HassanS6000 who has come over and pitched in with some of the commands, @KingGoesGaming who has provided a little gradle help, @12AwsomeMan34 who has done some testing without us asking (seriously, thanks!) and @AniSkywalker for an interesting discussion about modules which made me think more about the backend structure. I also would like to thank another friend of mine not on the Sponge forums, Eevables, who helped me test the system over the past three months when I started this plugin.

Thank you to everyone on this thread too who has added their support or interesting discussions. I hope you enjoy this release and please let me know what you think!


I’ve updated Nucleus to 0.1.1 to fix an issue that @blood discovered. Those of you that didn’t have the permission nucleus.home.set.unlimited set would have found that you couldn’t set home! That is now fixed.

Releases · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub has the latest release.

As it’s relavent, here is my top tip for this release, if you want to set a home limit for a player, give them the option home-count using a permissions plugin.


Always glad for friendly debates :slight_smile:


Once I find time I will test for issues in this plugin. Hope I find something to help out :smiley:

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Possible issues with tpa and tpahere, they seem to require a permission node (force) that doesn’t seem like it should be required – and output message bug with tpahere. Also, home links for /homes calls homeother, instead of home, when players can use /home myname and do not need OTHERS permissions/ability, and homes listed will only be their own homes. Filed both on github.

Yep, thanks! They are both simple oversights, but important ones! Thanks for the issues, hoping to get a new beta release out today or tomorrow so the fixes shouldn’t be too long.

##Version 0.2 is now available.

Please see Release [BETA] Version 0.2.0 · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub for the full release notes, but for the quick list of new things:

  • Blacklisting items, prevent players from holding or interacting with certain items.
  • /back - allow your users to return to their previous location after a warp, teleport or death.
  • /itemname and /lore, for giving names and lore to the item in your hand.
  • /stop <message>, extending the stop command to allow for a custom shutdown message to be sent (thanks to @12AwsomeMan34)

A few bugs and cosmetic issues have also been squished.

Feedback, bug reports, criticism and praise are all encouraged! I hope to get another feature release out in the next two weeks.


When will this plugin have its release and I want to know when you will announce HassanS6000’s other plugins that will be integrated into Nucleus. One more question, are all features of EssentialCmds implemented yet?

TL;DR - When it’s done, when we’ve gotten further with the core offering, and no, not yet.

I apologise for the long post in advance.

Quite simply - it’ll be done when it’s done. I know you probably hear that a lot, but as an open source project done in free time, we cannot simply commit to a timeframe. I do want to talk about this though.

Nucleus is a huge project, and one I’m already proud of. I’ve been working on this since the start of the year, (Hassan came in about three months through), so I have a long standing desire to see it finished. However, this does not come at the cost of quality. I could very well have thrown a lot of untested code out into the field, and it would have been bad. On the first day of the 0.1 release, there was a critical bug. If this was a proper release, that would have been an absolute nightmare. Other bugs have been discovered since - just read this thread, see our commit history.

If there is a huge problem with some plugins, its that people are rushing to fill the void that Bukkit plugins filled. This means that developers write some code, assume it’ll be correct, and throw it out there - only for it to be critically wrong. I was actually a software developer for a couple of years, if I’d done that in a job, I would have been fired so quickly. Why should I have lower standards for an OSS project? So, from day one, I’ve said that I would rather do something right than do something quickly. So that’s what I’m doing. Sure, there will still be bugs, but I am taking as much care as possible to ensure it’s as bug free as possible, and as easy to maintain - or at least fix bugs in - as possible.

I realise that there are quite a few people who are just itching for this to go live. I sympathise - but please bear with us. My realistic target is about a month’s time for a full release - hopefully my work and my life won’t get in the way of that too much!

To help achieve this, I’m hoping to recruit a friend of mine who is also interested in helping me. She is a long time friend of mine and has had plenty of experience in development, so will help accelerate getting this out of the door. I’ll annouce in due course if/when this happens.

As for Hassan’s other plugins, right now, I’ve been busy trying to work on the core system, so not really looked at it. It all depends on whether they are really “essential”. We’ll annouce them as we decide.

And no, we’re not at feature parity with EssentialCmds yet, but we’re certainly on the way. We’re close to having a working config migrator too - I’m hoping to have something in the next beta.

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I also apologize for the longer reply. I normally have a lot to say.

Very well said. I do agree I may be rushing this. We all do have lives and some people forget that unless you are a developer yourself. I am no exception I am only human just as we all are. Spigot fills that void in an amazing way while Sponge grows. I believe the reason people are being impatient is because Sponge brings a lot of opportunity for some new and amazing things like this and they want to get their hands on it because its new and there is something new it offers. I thought you may had a possible goal for a finish that you want to make possible but you don’t want to put stress and you want to make a good quality plugin. There used to be a lot of old plugins that had low quality died awhile ago. You are just one of the new people wanting to make it better for the future of Sponge.

I know that you are busy with getting a full release but I am wondering when will Nucleus be Pixelmon friendly? Right now when I put a Pixelmon item in a kit the plugin crashes on server start up.

It should be Pixelmon friendly already, so this needs to be fixed. If you have a server log (in pastebin), and an example kit, along with the version of Sponge and Pixelmon you are using and post it here, I’ll take a look at it as soon as I can.

Server log is here this is the kit for 5 Poke Balls and one Potion I am using Pixelmon 4.2.5 and spongeforge 1808-4.1.0-BETA-1285 Thank you for looking into this

looks like it may be too early in the cycle? ie Nucleus is hitting pre-init before Pixelmon and therefore items aren’t registered yet

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Yeah, that’s exactly it. I’ll be fixing that today.

I’ve released version 0.2.1, fixing the issue that @Bronain reported. Kits with mod items no longer cause Nucleus to fail to load.

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It is working perfectly! Thank you very much

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Thank you for telling us about it!

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Is there a documentation/wiki on the kits? Wasn’t able to find

I hate to be ‘that guy’ on this matter, but I can NOT get the multiple-homes for users to work.
The EssCmd thread has over 1600 comments in it, which sorry, I’m not going to spend half my day reading through, and because it only loads so few at a time, its impossible to search the thread for the term ‘multiple’ etc…
I did find last time I tried setting this up and gave up at that time to put “homes: 3” for example in the groups options section in pex, but that fails out.
The code is a bit hard to follow, but it almost looks like it is getting the number of homes a player has as the count, and the max number of homes he has from the list of his homes, then comparing them but if his his map of homes has 1 value, and his count of home set is 1 value, then he’s reached his max…

Otherwise, please provide the detailed list of configuration file edits, permission nodes required, and any other information that has to go somewhere to make it work for non-unlimited, multiple homes of finite count.

Also Bug: the /warp list will return
“Page 1 is too high”
if the warp list is empty
0.2.1 version