Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Sure thing. Here you go!

Ok, it’s not Nucleus at all. Based on these timings, you’re losing a lot of time on chunk generation. You could probably benefit from doing a world pregeneration.

I apologize so much for accusing Nucleus. But how would I do a “world pregeneration”?

Eh, don’t worry about it! It was good to see live timings data anyway!

Nucleus has an option to do so: /world border gen [world]. If you have Nucleus Mixins, it should work a bit faster and ignore already generated chunks.

Okay I am doing it rn. Thanks for the help! One last question. How long do you think it will take for a world that is 55000 blocks wide?

It’s very server dependent - can’t really give an estimate!

Its okay. Thanks!

Is the “Now saving world, just in case.” togglable while generating chunks? It’s been 3 hours and its at 2% and I feel that it would be a bit faster if I can toggle it or set it to a larger time before saving.

I remember when I was running my world gen, had set border to 40,000 blocks, and it was taking forever. At the speed your world is generating, it’ll take over 6 days of the server running chunk gen non-stop.
Sadly, even if you could disable the saving world, you could save maybe a day. (Assuming that your server doesn’t shutdown due to long server tick) And 5 days straight of world gen sucks not only for you (since terminal is filled with world gen messages), but also your users because of the speed.

Suggest you change world border to 20,000 (resulting in a world that’s ~13% of the size of your current world). And generate the world then. Since you’ll find that >50% of players stay within that area, usually explore for 30 minutes-1 hour before finding a spot to place their home. Generating that should take you almost a day, and will get rid of most of your lag, if any players explore outside that, chunks will be generated by them, but amount of lag that they’ll cause is little since it’ll be few and far between.

Actually came for this, wanted to ask. If you do plan on adding this, if you could add a per world chat? (And maybe global chat cooldowns).

possible to restrict alt+code from nicknames and make it only allow letters? maybe regrex based or something

Is here also an antiswear on because I need it but I can not find one

I think that’s better off as a separate plugin. PwnFilter is reallllyyy good but the haxy abandoned it. I just wish someone capable would update it lol, I tried but failed badly xD

The nucleus.spawnmob.mob.blah:blah permission - does this accept other mods?
nucleus.spawnmob.mob.pixelmon:zubat as an eg?

Yes, but you need to replace the : with ., so it’d be nucleus.spawnmob.mob.pixelmon.zubat - assuming Pixelmon supports spawning in pokemon this way.

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Ah thank you, I’ll give it a try.
I’m reasonably certain I read on their forums it’s handled differently, but it’s only a vague memory :slight_smile:

also it’d be great if we had a way to have group templates for the login message too. so we could add like staff ranks in them unless we’re already able to add like {{group}} in the template.?

@dualspiral not sure if you saw it. Nucleus / Nucleus

I set world spawn like vanilla command and it works - first time players spawn on place. But when someone dies, he respawn at spawn, not near bed like in vanilla. How I can restore default behaviour?

Any way you can add a /log “text” command. Which would save what was typed in some text file, along with the date and time.
This is because there’s mods that can execute several commands and would like to save certain information after executing those commands. (ie, a special item is given out for voting, and want to know who got what. so set the following commands to be run: “give player item” “log player was given item from voting”).

@Khaoz You should already be able to add things like {{prefix}} etc. to it, if I remember correctly. If you can’t, let me know, and I’ll put it in - it’d only be a one line change.

@aso Is there not an option in the config to restore this? If not, let me know and I’ll add it back. Bit of an oversight on my part, sorry!

@tridaak I don’t think that really fits in Nucleus, but you could use /note to attach a note to a player, so an admin can read the notes on a specific player and see that they have been given an item from voting, for example - would that work?