Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Love using nucleus, only problem…Is when anyone on the server does ‘/help’ everyone gets disconnected. No errors in the log, Nothing. And the server is still up even after disconnection. Any reason why? Thanks

@SalvadorZXA I can’t think if any of those plugins will cause the problems you’re seeing. I’ll have a think.

@Chocolate_Rainbows Nucleus doesn’t do anything with the /help command, so I doubt it’ll be Nucleus’ fault. What I imagine might be happening is that the /help command checks the player’s permissions for every command - if your permissions plugin is backed by a slow database, getting all the permissions for a player could take some time. I’d try updating your permissions plugin first, or, if you’re using PEX, switch to LuckPerms - PEX is (unfortunately) pretty much dead now.

@dualspiral Funny thing is, im already using LuckPerms xD Unless im using it incorrectly.

Full Russian translate => Link.

@dualspiral not sure if others have this issue but using Nucleus-1.0.1-LTS-S5.1 with spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2597 the issue is /sellall if i have a full inv of cactus and do /sellall

Everything good here right? well if i remove 1 stack from my inventory from the top row doesnt matter the slot this happens

This was reported by a normal player on the server and tested by 4 others.

@Semenkovsky_Ivan Thanks. I’ll investigate adding it soon.

@_InfinityMC Update to the latest version (1.1.3-LTS-S5.1), I seem to recall fixing an issue like this.

Updated the translation. Corrected mistakes. The link remains the same.

I’m having a weird issue where even though I set the worth on an item, people can’t buy them and get a item is not for sale message.

Is there a way to set a global border? That it will set the border the same on all worlds?

tested again with latest sponge and latest release for 1.10.2 and same results

Nucleus: Nucleus-1.1.4-LTS-S5.1-MC1.10.2-plugin.jar

@dualspiral another question i have, how do i disable players using bold, magic and other style on their nicks? they dont have the permission node to do so, the only permissions they have are nucleus.nick.base and nucleus.nick.color.yellow and so on.

Dual has already addressed this for the next release! Issue 963

I tried using /kit cost with both Totaleconomy and EconomyLite but it doesn’t work, players received the kit but their money is not deducted

Sure you didn’t give them the cost exempt permission?

I’m running into some sort of issue, or I’m doing something wrong, when using the /world gen. I started my world with biomes o plenty, before migrating to sponge, and the initial area around spawn generated just fine, with all the fantastic biomes from biomesop. After getting sponge and nucleus, I decided to pregen the rest of the world to reduce the load on the servers when players are exploring. Upon exploring the new terrain, I found everything beyond the initial area is default minecraft terrain.

Why was the new terrain generated with /world gen use the default generator? BIOMESOP has been set as the level-type in the server properties the whole time. Nothing has changed.

EDIT: Well it seem like it may have reverted to the default generator when I migrated or something. Is it possible to change the generator back to BIOMESOP, so I can delete the default terrain and re-generate?

Ah ya know what, I’m stupid and caused this myself, so I’ll deal with the consequences. I ended up generating a new world with the same seed, and copied over what was created so far from the previous world with mcedit. Good work on the plugin. It really had nothing to do with my issues.

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