[Outdated Use Ore Topic] Graveyards | Pre-defined Spawnpoints for Players!

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Could you elaborate?

Sorry for my bad English. I mean the following. There is a certain territory for a cemetery and a spawn point. The player is teleported after death is not a point, but at some distance from it (random coordinates) is created and close to his grave, and on the plate nick of the player.


Oh, thanks for bumping, I pretty much like this idea !

Looking into this now.

Answered on github

#Here’s a Bug, There’s a Fix, Everywhere a Bug Fix! Github Releases (by Release)
Release v2.1.2

Minecraft 1.10.2 - Tested on spongevanilla-1.10.2-5.0.0-BETA-112


  • Fixed bug where player respawn data would not persist across server restarts.


@anon34495435 I believe I have fixed the issue regarding the null-pointer

What do you think about a temporary graveyard ?

I used to play a shaman in Wow and this spell might explain my idea :

One has to place an armor stand (as an example) and it becomes a respawn point until it’s removed.

Hmmm, definitely possible, I’ll look into adding something like this in the next update.

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Can’t wait for the next update :smiley:

Quick ideas :

  • configurable item/block or /setgraveyard command
  • configurable radius
  • multiple radius
  • permission per groups (red spawnpoints for group A and blue for group B)

These are just some words if you miss some inspiration but I am sure you don’t !

Were you able to work on the next update ?

What about random graveyards spawning in the world with a nice shrine like thing (for example every 1k blocks randomly somewhere), is that possible ?


@Keuterio Apologies, I’ve been on a bit of an involuntary hiatus from plugin development, something I hope to remedy over the next few weeks so stay tuned :slight_smile:

@Inenting Random Graveyard generation would definitely be possible, adding in a structure would require me to look into the Schematic API (again definitly possible), finally I’d probably look into modifying the world generation algorithm to make Graveyards spawn similar to villages (again possible, though would take a bit of work). If that interests people I may consider making that a long-term development goal.

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Don’t worry, we all have priorities :slight_smile:

Graveyards like WoW ones ? Definitely yes ! This would reset our idea of spawn point event if some plugins already handle it to have groups spawn.

Take care.

Data would not persist across server restarts. The graveyard is created and works until the server is restarted. The config is not created. Not Errors in the console.


My suspicion is that many functions have been changed/broken in API 6 (1.11), as I have not yet created a release for any of my plugins for API 6, I cannot guarantee they will function as specified in API 6 environments. Thank you however for brining this to my attention, when I do create an API 6 release I’ll be sure to make sure this bug is fixed! :slight_smile:

thats a good idea, i like it
please add random Graveyard generation

Just as a point of reference, we have it running on the Sponge Community Server (we have a 1.11.2 SpongeVanilla Test on port 25585), and it seems to be working as expected, from the results of a series of fatal accidents I had recently. I have not extensively examined all possible functionality - we just ported everything that was on 1.10.2.

@anon34495435 I’d be curious if the issue still exists on the latest release of Graveyards on Ore.

Graveyards now has an Ore project page here! Please continue all discussion of Graveyards there :smiley:

Please use the Ore page for further discussion :slight_smile: