PistonMOTD - Best MOTD plugin with multi platform support!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, PistonMOTD. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.



Customize playercounter tooltip
Customize online player and max player counter
Random MOTD
Custom client out of date message. You can force that to always happen too.
Random favicon
Placeholders (extendable via api)
Hide your playercount (only on bukkit)
Very easy to understand config
Modular (You can enable/disable every feature)

Compatible with external MOTD plugins. (Cant promise it will work with every MOTD plugin.)


# You can find color codes here: https://minecraft.tools/en/color-code.php
# Formatting comes after the color! &d&l will work, but not &l&d.
# Placeholders: %online% (Players online)
# %max% (Server max slots)
# %aftericon% adds a bunch of spaces so the text is after the icon. (Only for protocol)
# %newline% adds a newline to your motd.

  activated: true
  - '&3Hello world!'
  - '&eNewline!'
  - '&6    spaces!'
  - '&d&lCombined'
  - '&1Players: %online%'
  - '&2Max: %max%'
  activated: false
  value: 0
  activated: false
  value: 10
  activated: false
  text: '&1My custom protocol message!'
  activated: false
  activated: true
  - Hello! %newline%World!
  - Use &4color codes!
  - '&ka &rFormatting &rworks &rtoo! &ka'
  - '&1Players: %online%'
  - '&2Max: %max%'



# You can find color codes here: https://minecraft.tools/en/color-code.php
# Formatting comes after the color! &d&l will work, but not &l&d.
# Placeholders: %online% (Players online)
# %max% (Server max slots)
# %newline% adds a newline to your motd.
  activated: true
    - "Hello! %newline%World!"
    - "Use &4color codes!"
    - "&ka &rFormatting &rworks &rtoo! &ka"
    - "&1Players: %online%"
    - "&2Max: %max%"

  activated: false
  value: 10

# Extended config only works on paper https://papermc.io/
  # A protocol message is shown if the version of the client doesn't match the version of the server.
  # %aftericon% adds a bunch of spaces so the text is after the icon. (Only for protocol)
    activated: false
    text: "&1My custom protocol message!"
    activated: false
    value: 0
  # Instead of showing the playerstats the client will just display "???"
  hideplayers: false
  # This is shown when you hover over the playercount
    activated: true
      - "&3Hello world!"
      - "&eNewline!"
      - "&6    spaces!"
      - "&d&lCombined"
      - "&1Players: %online%"
      - "&2Max: %max%"



/pistonmotd help (pistonmotd.help)
/pistonmotd reload (pistonmotd.reload)


/pistonmotdbukkit help (pistonmotd.help)
/pistonmotdbukkit reload (pistonmotd.reload)


It IS possible to create and execute your own parsers with a external plugin. To register you need a class implementing the PlaceholderParser and to register it at the PlaceholderUtil with #registerParser().

Here is a example of that:

And this stuff might get handy:



(If you have any ideas please let me know in the discord server)


10 Good
25 Cool
50 Awesome
75 Amazing
100 Unbelivable! o_O wow
125 Are we popular now? ;)
150 OMG :eek:
175 Road to a million
200 omg 200??? :love:
250Will the Growing ever end? :unsure:
300 wow! :D how did we get here that fast?


[SPOILER=“legacy stats”]

If you like my plugin leave a rating. Support on discord. (y)
Have fun! :wink:

1 Like

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.

First sponge release!

This was previously a spigotmc plugin, but i decided to expand it onto another platform (Sponge ofc)

This adds all feature that were previously bukkit only.

All things look good now!

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.

Big update!


  • Added velocity support!
  • Changed sponge config type from yaml to hocon
  • Reworked update checking
  • Improved commands
  • Lots of minor changes in the code

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.

Finally hex support!


If you experience any issues with the plugin please let me know on the discord server: https://discord.gg/CDrcxzH

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.


  • Created a maven generated site: https://pistonmaster.net/PistonMOTD/
  • Changed the the structure to a multi module project.
  • Added bukkit like playerlist to bungeecord.
  • Updated dependencies.

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.


If you want to suggest features or report bugs please join my discord server: https://discord.gg/CDrcxzH

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.


  • Fix 1.13-1.15 support

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.

Just a small release to move packages around. If you have other plugins like PistonQueue you should update those too as they use the API.

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.


PistonMOTD went through a lot of rework the past few months, and this new update has NO backwards support with any previous version at all. This decision was made because of the giant amount of inconsistency in configs between platforms. All features are implemented now on every platform as far as possible. Read more in the changelog below.
All configs contain comments now explaining what everything does and also automatically updates on new releases.

How to upgrade

  1. Prepare
  • rename config.yml → config.yml.old
  • if you have a config.conf → do nothing
  • rename icons folder → favicons
  1. Upgrade
    Drop in new PistonMOTD jar → restart the server
  2. Migrate
    import settings from config.yml.old or config.conf to config.yml file that was generated


  • Rewritten config (Way easier to read and understand)
  • Config is the exact same on ALL platforms
  • Self updating config with comments (With a custom config system made by me)
  • Improved dependency management (PistonMOTD should no longer interfere with other plugins at all)
  • New universal code and speed improvements
  • Commands are all just /pistonmotd now
  • Integration with popular vanish plugins (SuperVanish, PremiumVansh)

A new version has been released for PistonMOTD, it is available for download here.

Read the 5.0.0 upgrade guide before upgrading from 4.x.x!


  • Update dependencies
  • Fix special chars in config
  • Fix config reloading in bukkit
  • Fix velocity player sample
  • Improve code style