Pixelmon event listener

I’m having troubles getting hook into any Pixelmon event, there is no running errors with code I write but it simply doesn’t produce any output whatsoever (meaning event didn’t trigger the code).

As for event registering I tried all 3 of those:

FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new Beast(game));
Pixelmon.EVENT_BUS.register(new Beast(game));
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new Beast(game));

On first one IDE reports that it’s deprecated, however neither of those produced any output when events got triggered.

Rest of relevant code is following: event handler

public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
Pixelmon.EVENT_BUS.register(new Beast(game));

And the inner static class

public static class Beast{
Game game;
public Beast(Game game) {
this.game = game;
public void onEvent(Game game, BeatWildPixelmonEvent event){
String msg = "Message: " + event.wpp.getDisplayName();

Beating wild pixelmon ingame doesn’t trigger this code.
DISCLAMER: I literally just started working with Sponge and MC altogether and this is probably some silly mistake, or plainly wrong way of handling events from the other dependencies.

Thanks for your time.

Remove the Game parameter. Event handlers should only take the event as it’s argument

It’s still not working, if someone could maybe share some working example of Pixelmon event I would be so grateful.