PixelmonPlaceholders [v2.1.1]

help Please I have no idea how to make it work and try the tabManager and the easyScoreboard and nothing does not detect the placeholder

only PlaceholderAPI v4.1 works on tabmanager. This has already been updated to 4.2

but with the easyscoreboard it did not work either

false, tabmanager was also updated by @RandomByte he just forgot to make a post stating it.

You need the Following:



Extra Plugins that also Support PixelmonPlaceholders




Nothing I can not make it work

scoreboard {
countdown {
command=“say The countdown is over”
“number=-1, text= UchihaCraft”,
“number=%trainer_balance%, text=Dinero:”,
“number=%pixelmon_dexsize%, text=Pokedex:”

It works perfectly.
You don’t have PlaceholderAPI v4.2 installed or something like that.
Config | Mods folder

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with the z pixelmon placeholders-1.2.1 does not work, I see that you have the 1.2.2

You need to use the correct plugins found above that i listed to make it work correctly. 1.2.1 works only with easyscoreboard 2.3

I already tried and nothing the only difference between the mods esque I have another verion of spongeforge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2731 and the pixelmon placeholders-1.2.2,

Use the EasyScoreboard he linked you.
PixelmonPlaceholders v1.2.2 is just the next release but it doesn’t add anything relevant for your problem, just ignore it

I have the easy scoreboard 2.3 but still I can not get it to work

Will this work with 1.12.2?

Yes it does work.

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The new update is gonna be huge. If you have suggestions please, write them down here!

PixelmonPlaceholders v1.3.0 for Reforged

Hey! I’m finally back with an update for Reforged 6.2.3, grab it here!

New update for pixelmon reforged is out - 6.3.1 any chance of an update?

Yes, i’m working right now.

PixelmonPlaceholders 1.3.1-hotfix almost for Reforged 6.3.1

An update for PixelmonPlaceholders has been pushed, it’s in an unstable version but i’ve decided to release it anyway due to the high amount of requests. (in the discord)
Please read the whole changelog, the development of the stable release will start within tomorrow.

any placeholder for know what is slot 1 Pokemon is ?
not nickname i just try to do online storage


You should really look at the wiki before asking.