PixelSkills - A highly customizable skills plugin! Reward players for... playing? Yeah! Playing!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

PixelSkills Update 1.7.2

For Pixelmon Generations

Regenerate these files for all skills:

  • Generations Only: perks.conf
  • level-locked-rewards.conf
  • descriptions.conf

Delete these files BEFORE starting the server back up with the new update installed to prevent the other files of getting corrupted.


  • Fixed player account generation.
  • Fixed Barterer not reading the config option to adjust EXP values based on quantity sold or per transaction.
  • Fixed the default Level Locked Rewards config on the Generations version still generating with Master Balls as the default prize option.
  • Fixed the task and skill info commands not supporting not-so-recent changes to the skill line ups (Culinarian on Generations version, Scanner on Reforged version).
  • Fixed Level-Locked Rewards handler bypassing the “set next Reward level” code when the two happened to fall on the same level (like level 5 by default) causing Rewards to break.
  • Fixed not being able to set the perk chance to a double (decimal) value on the Generations version.
  • Fixed Harvester’s perk breaking itself when trying to add durability to tools caused by not being able to get the maximum durability.


  • Changed the descriptions.conf file to now generate (for the first time) (regen it with this update) with basic examples on how to fill it out.
  • Changed the delivery method of information for those two ^ commands to Chatting NPC dialogue boxes.
  • Changed the default reward chance value from an integer to a double for consistency.

Wiki <<=>> Discord.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

PixelSkills Update 1.7.2

For Pixelmon Reforged

Regenerate these files for all skills:

  • Generations Only: perks.conf
  • level-locked-rewards.conf
  • descriptions.conf

Delete these files BEFORE starting the server back up with the new update installed to prevent the other files of getting corrupted.


  • Fixed player account generation.
  • Fixed Barterer not reading the config option to adjust EXP values based on quantity sold or per transaction.
  • Fixed the default Level Locked Rewards config on the Generations version still generating with Master Balls as the default prize option.
  • Fixed the task and skill info commands not supporting not-so-recent changes to the skill line ups (Culinarian on Generations version, Scanner on Reforged version).
  • Fixed Level-Locked Rewards handler bypassing the “set next Reward level” code when the two happened to fall on the same level (like level 5 by default) causing Rewards to break.
  • Fixed not being able to set the perk chance to a double (decimal) value on the Generations version.
  • Fixed Harvester’s perk breaking itself when trying to add durability to tools caused by not being able to get the maximum durability.


  • Changed the descriptions.conf file to now generate (for the first time) (regen it with this update) with basic examples on how to fill it out.
  • Changed the delivery method of information for those two ^ commands to Chatting NPC dialogue boxes.
  • Changed the default reward chance value from an integer to a double for consistency.

Wiki <<=>> Discord.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Sorry for lack of updates to this. I am really bad at remembering to update my postings on Sponge here. My Discord is normally where I am most active with updates.

Version 1.7.3:

- Fixed Fisherman skill erroring out trying to get EXP map when doing the fishing task on Generations version

- Attempted to fix Artificer erroring out (sometimes?) when doing anvil shits (on both versions)
Version 1.7.4:

- Fixed a server crash when a dead player respawns
Version 1.7.5:

- Added a player command for getting the level in a specified skill, it requires no permission node.

    -- "/pskills lvl <skill>"
Version 1.7.6:

- Fixed a bug in the Watering Apricorns task, throwing errors when trying to add EXP for doing the task

- Potentially fixed a bug where EXP was being given for doing tasks that plugins like GriefDefender was cancelling (like picking Berries in someone's claim causing infinite Berry glitches)

- Added Claiming-PokeStops task to Looter (Generations version only)
Version 1.8.0:

- Added an admin command (and relative configuration nodes) for toggling EXP and level-up messages:

    -- /pskills admin msgtoggle <skill> <type> <value>
    -- /pskills admin msgtoggle Harvester EXP false

- Added support of upcoming boosters plugin
Version 2.0.0:

(Both versions)
- Rewrote the experience handler system:

    -- Added SkillExperienceEvent and SkillLevelUpEvent for fellow developers

- Added Teacher Skill:

    -- Levels up when teaching Pokemon moves

- Rewrote the skill info GUI:

    -- A new gui-settings.conf file should appear in your /config/pixelskills folder. This file allows you to completely customize how the info GUI looks.

- Fixed EXP messages showing incorrect amount of EXP gained

- Added Skill Candy:

    -- These are candy items that can be used to increase a desired skill's level by 1. Just right click to use, opens a GUI for player to select skill.

    -- "/skills admin give <player> [<amount>]"


- Removed Scanner skill (no one liked that one anyway)

- Added Photography skill (to replace Scanner):

    -- Players' account information for Scanner should be auto-converted into Photographer
Version 2.0.1:

- Fixed EXP messages still being weird for some skills
Version 2.0.2:

- Added a "setunbreakable" command in the admin commands:

    -- This command can be used to make the player it is used on's current tool unbreakable. Think of it like a rare chance reward for leveling up Harvester or whatever

    -- /pskills admin setunbreakable <player>
Version 2.0.3:

- Removed leftover debug messages I left in the Reforged version (no changes made to the Generations version)
Version 2.0.4:

- Fixed a server crashed caused by Darwinist's perk on the Generations version (no change to the Reforged version)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Sorry for lack of updates to this. I am really bad at remembering to update my postings on Sponge here. My Discord is normally where I am most active with updates.

Version 1.7.3:

- Fixed Fisherman skill erroring out trying to get EXP map when doing the fishing task on Generations version

- Attempted to fix Artificer erroring out (sometimes?) when doing anvil shits (on both versions)
Version 1.7.4:

- Fixed a server crash when a dead player respawns
Version 1.7.5:

- Added a player command for getting the level in a specified skill, it requires no permission node.

    -- "/pskills lvl <skill>"
Version 1.7.6:

- Fixed a bug in the Watering Apricorns task, throwing errors when trying to add EXP for doing the task

- Potentially fixed a bug where EXP was being given for doing tasks that plugins like GriefDefender was cancelling (like picking Berries in someone's claim causing infinite Berry glitches)

- Added Claiming-PokeStops task to Looter (Generations version only)
Version 1.8.0:

- Added an admin command (and relative configuration nodes) for toggling EXP and level-up messages:

    -- /pskills admin msgtoggle <skill> <type> <value>
    -- /pskills admin msgtoggle Harvester EXP false

- Added support of upcoming boosters plugin
Version 2.0.0:

(Both versions)
- Rewrote the experience handler system:

    -- Added SkillExperienceEvent and SkillLevelUpEvent for fellow developers

- Added Teacher Skill:

    -- Levels up when teaching Pokemon moves

- Rewrote the skill info GUI:

    -- A new gui-settings.conf file should appear in your /config/pixelskills folder. This file allows you to completely customize how the info GUI looks.

- Fixed EXP messages showing incorrect amount of EXP gained

- Added Skill Candy:

    -- These are candy items that can be used to increase a desired skill's level by 1. Just right click to use, opens a GUI for player to select skill.

    -- "/skills admin give <player> [<amount>]"


- Removed Scanner skill (no one liked that one anyway)

- Added Photography skill (to replace Scanner):

    -- Players' account information for Scanner should be auto-converted into Photographer
Version 2.0.1:

- Fixed EXP messages still being weird for some skills
Version 2.0.2:

- Added a "setunbreakable" command in the admin commands:

    -- This command can be used to make the player it is used on's current tool unbreakable. Think of it like a rare chance reward for leveling up Harvester or whatever

    -- /pskills admin setunbreakable <player>
Version 2.0.3:

- Removed leftover debug messages I left in the Reforged version (no changes made to the Generations version)
Version 2.0.4:

- Fixed a server crashed caused by Darwinist's perk on the Generations version (no change to the Reforged version)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Version 3.0.0:

  • Changed how the modifier (for Perks, Rewards, and Level Locked Rewards works) (by “borrowing” some code on StackOverflow, thank you original author of that):

    – It now supports complex mathematical equations to further customize the amount of prize given

    – Like “(((2 * 2) + 8) / 6)” if you wanted to go that complicated should work fine

    – Though, simple shit like “2” should still work fine

    – %player-level% is still supported in this

  • Rewrote the perks distribution system:

    – Each skill’s perk was being handled by its own class file and that was just a waste of space and code so I condensed it down, found a few bugs along the way

  • Fixed rewards with amounts greater than 64 not getting delivered to the player

  • Fixed Fisherman’s perk looking in Gladiator’s folder

  • Removed being able to set perk and reward chance settings to integers, forcing everyone to use doubles now (several bugs were found related to this toggleable feature)

  • Fixed Harvester’s perk erroring out due to a missing setting in the config:

    – The “Amount”="" setting was missing, I added it to the default configuration but those who do not wish to reset their configs for this update need to go add that manually (see here: hastebin for a specific example, though there will be one below too)

  • Fixed the Rewards module rarely giving their rewards despite having very high chances ( ^ one of those bugs)

Versions 3.0.1 and 3.0.2:

  • Fixed big bug with EXP and leveling up:

    – Some if not all skills would instantly level you up to max level due to a few miscellaneous things going wrong, all of these things should be fixed now

  • Fixed the complex modifier evaluation code:

    – I ended up removing the code I “borrowed” from the last version and added a different system, with its own dependency (which is built directly into PixelSkills, which is why the jar file size shot up)

    – This required a change to be made to basically every String modifier every place where there is a modifier. A “Function” field is now necessary (and might? auto generate, can’t remember honestly) along with the actual “Modifier” field

      --- The modifier evaluator doesn't like it when the modifier String starts with an operator like "multiply" for some reason
  • Added support of the complex modifier evaluation code to the EXP needed for level-up system:

    – By doing this, though, I had to change the default format for the exp.conf files

    – If you don’t care to, I would reset them for each skill. If not, I’ll paste what that section looks like now for you to manually fix below

  • Fixed Fisherman displaying as Darwinist in the default GUI settings

    – Just a note, this won’t apply to already-generated GUI settings config files

  • Fixed some perks throwing errors due to missing “Amount” fields:

    – If, for some reason, your perks still error out, check the perks config file for the skill and make sure it has its Amount field

  • Fixed the Skill Candy not leveling up correctly

  • Fixed the admin commands not leveling up correctly

  • Added a new config file, global-settings.conf, that adds the ability to toggle access permissions and EXP messages for all skills in a convenient way

  • Fixed a crash when automated systems (like Extra Utilities 2’s Mechanical User block) caused PixelSkills code to activate

Version 3.1.0:

  • Added the ability to attach functions (listed below) to the icons in the Skills GUI:

    – Simply add a Function=[] list to your slot you want to add functions to in the GUI settings config (I’ll post an example below) and put whatever functions you want to use in it

    – CloseMenu:

    --- Closes the player's current menu (namely, the skills GUI)

    – ExecuteConsoleCommand:

    --- Executes the following command as console
    --- Supports using %player% to pass in the player's name

    – ExecutePlayerCommand:

    --- Executes the following command as the player
    --- Supports using %player% to pass in the player's name

    – SendMessage:

    --- Sends the following text (supports formatting codes) to the player as a message

    – TeleportPlayer:

    --- Teleports the player to the following location

Version 3.2.0:

  • Rewrote pretty much all of the Artificer skill:

    – I replaced pretty much all of the ContainerCloseEvents I was using to execute everything with the actual events in Forge’s API meant for those things, so that alone should fix quite a few issues people have been having with Artificer

  • Added Smelting-Items task to Artificer

  • Added Enchanting-Tools task to Artificer

  • Fixed an error thrown with Looter’s perk

  • Fixed an error thrown on Photographer’s perk in the Reforged version

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Version 3.0.0:

Changed how the modifier (for Perks, Rewards, and Level Locked Rewards works) (by “borrowing” some code on StackOverflow, thank you original author of that):

– It now supports complex mathematical equations to further customize the amount of prize given

– Like “(((2 * 2) + 8) / 6)” if you wanted to go that complicated should work fine

– Though, simple shit like “2” should still work fine

– %player-level% is still supported in this

Rewrote the perks distribution system:

– Each skill’s perk was being handled by its own class file and that was just a waste of space and code so I condensed it down, found a few bugs along the way

Fixed rewards with amounts greater than 64 not getting delivered to the player

Fixed Fisherman’s perk looking in Gladiator’s folder

Removed being able to set perk and reward chance settings to integers, forcing everyone to use doubles now (several bugs were found related to this toggleable feature)

Fixed Harvester’s perk erroring out due to a missing setting in the config:

– The “Amount”=“” setting was missing, I added it to the default configuration but those who do not wish to reset their configs for this update need to go add that manually (see here: hastebin for a specific example, though there will be one below too)

Fixed the Rewards module rarely giving their rewards despite having very high chances ( ^ one of those bugs)

Versions 3.0.1 and 3.0.2:

Fixed big bug with EXP and leveling up:

– Some if not all skills would instantly level you up to max level due to a few miscellaneous things going wrong, all of these things should be fixed now

Fixed the complex modifier evaluation code:

– I ended up removing the code I “borrowed” from the last version and added a different system, with its own dependency (which is built directly into PixelSkills, which is why the jar file size shot up)

– This required a change to be made to basically every String modifier every place where there is a modifier. A “Function” field is now necessary (and might? auto generate, can’t remember honestly) along with the actual “Modifier” field

— The modifier evaluator doesn’t like it when the modifier String starts with an operator like “multiply” for some reason
Added support of the complex modifier evaluation code to the EXP needed for level-up system:

– By doing this, though, I had to change the default format for the exp.conf files

– If you don’t care to, I would reset them for each skill. If not, I’ll paste what that section looks like now for you to manually fix below

Fixed Fisherman displaying as Darwinist in the default GUI settings

– Just a note, this won’t apply to already-generated GUI settings config files

Fixed some perks throwing errors due to missing “Amount” fields:

– If, for some reason, your perks still error out, check the perks config file for the skill and make sure it has its Amount field

Fixed the Skill Candy not leveling up correctly

Fixed the admin commands not leveling up correctly

Added a new config file, global-settings.conf, that adds the ability to toggle access permissions and EXP messages for all skills in a convenient way

Fixed a crash when automated systems (like Extra Utilities 2’s Mechanical User block) caused PixelSkills code to activate

Version 3.1.0:

Added the ability to attach functions (listed below) to the icons in the Skills GUI:

– Simply add a Function=[] list to your slot you want to add functions to in the GUI settings config (I’ll post an example below) and put whatever functions you want to use in it

– CloseMenu:

— Closes the player’s current menu (namely, the skills GUI)
– ExecuteConsoleCommand:

— Executes the following command as console

— Supports using %player% to pass in the player’s name
– ExecutePlayerCommand:

— Executes the following command as the player

— Supports using %player% to pass in the player’s name
– SendMessage:

— Sends the following text (supports formatting codes) to the player as a message
– TeleportPlayer:

— Teleports the player to the following location
Version 3.2.0:

Rewrote pretty much all of the Artificer skill:

– I replaced pretty much all of the ContainerCloseEvents I was using to execute everything with the actual events in Forge’s API meant for those things, so that alone should fix quite a few issues people have been having with Artificer

Added Smelting-Items task to Artificer

Added Enchanting-Tools task to Artificer

Fixed an error thrown with Looter’s perk

Fixed an error thrown on Photographer’s perk in the Reforged version

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Version 4.0.0-BETA8:

  • Fixed Level commands not working

  • Fixed Candy commands not working

  • Fixed EXP commands not working

  • Fixed using Pixelmon’s anvil causing Harvester to go crazy

  • Fixed being unable to disable the crafting task in the Artificer skill

  • Fixed Caregiver throwing errors when healing Pokemon

  • Fixed buying items in bulk in Barterer not multiplying the EXP

  • Added Culinarian skill (Reforged version)

  • Added Claiming-PokeStops task to Looter (Reforged version)

  • Added Pokemon-Pickup task to Looter (Reforged version)

  • Added Beating-Raid-Bosses task to Conqueror (Reforged version)

  • Accidentally fixed Photographer’s perk erroring out (Reforged version)

Version 4.0.1:

  • Fixed trying to use Culinarian in the commands in the Reforged version throwing an error (probably, I actually didn’t test it, lol)

  • Fixed support of GCES’ difficulty settings when getting default perk and reward chances in the Generations version

  • Added ^ that to the Reforged version because I apparently never did that

Version 4.0.2:

  • Fixed breaking fossil ore? counting as Harvester EXP instead of Archaeologist EXP

  • Fixed? (didn’t test it honestly) Caregiver shitting itself because of the item ID

  • Fixed an instance in the Perk chance and Reward chance getters where it would potentially return the wrong value

  • Fixed all new data not being automatically added to player accounts (Reforged version)

  • Fixed BetterBosses bosses not being supported in the Conqueror skill (Generations version)

  • Added Defeating-Horde-Battles task to the Conqueror skill (Generations version) (no idea why I didn’t do that sooner)

  • Potentially fixed other issues revolving the use of item IDs (Artificer, mostly) (the way I was getting item IDs in older versions was dumb, so if it was even broken on older versions it should be fixed now)

Version 4.1.0:

  • Fixed EXP values getting reduced to negative values when using manual EXP mapping mode

  • Potentially fixed old, outdated config files for rewards, perks, and level locked rewards from erroring out (perks and rewards should automatically fix themselves when this happens, but level locked rewards will not due to them being more complicated to automatically fix):

    – If you have been seeing errors in your console, and it says something about PerkGetters.getDefaultPerkChance or RewardGetters.getDefaultRewardChance or LevelLockedRewardsHandler.giveReward(), then please be sure to read what’s printed in your console before reporting it to me! I included messages in this code when it runs so if you still see those errors on this version then its likely those messages and not an error!

  • Fixed the “EXP-To-Next-Level” value always displaying the base amount needed for level 2 value even when using manual EXP mapping mode

  • Added setters for EXP earned and skill on the SkillExperienceEvent

  • Added a claim command:

    – The Rewards and Level-Locked Rewards modules will now check for if the player’s inventory is full before attempting to give them items. If the inventory is full, the player’s reward(s) will be saved to a newly added field in their account.conf file and will be prompted to clear some space in their inventory and then run the “/skills claim” command. It requires no permission node.

    – This command will open a GooeyLibs GUI and will let them click on their unclaimed rewards to claim them.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Last update here was like 3.2.0?! Lol, I’m not about to post every changelog between then and now here like I normally would. :stuck_out_tongue: Those interested in that can find all that info in my Discord, which should be linked here somewhere.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Last update here was like 3.2.0? Lol, I’m not about to post every changelog between then and now here like I normally would. :stuck_out_tongue: Those interested in that can find all that info in my Discord, which should be linked here somewhere.