PixelSkills - A highly customizable skills plugin! Reward players for... playing? Yeah! Playing!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, PixelSkills. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


A highly configurable Pixelmon skills (MMO) plugin based off of AdventureMMO.

GooeyLibs by landonjw for GUIs

Permissions and Commands:

========= PLAYER COMMANDS =========

/skills info

========= ADMIN COMMANDS =========
/skills admin


Archaeologist - Mine fossils, revive fossils.
Artificer - Craft Pixelmon tools, craft vanilla tools, brew potions, use anvils.
Barterer - Buy from shopkeepers, sell to shopkeepers, (Generations version) buy from vending machines.
Botanist - Pick/plant Apricorns, pick/plant berries, watering Apricorn trees.
Breeder - Make Pokemon eggs, hatch Pokemon eggs.
Caregiver - Using healing items on Pokemon (outside of battle).
Collector - Catch Pokemon, different "types" (shiny, legendary, normal).
Conqueror - Defeat bosses (and Totems in the Generations version).
Culinarian - Cooking Curry.
Darwinist - Evolving Pokemon.
Fisherman - Fishing up Pokemon.
Gladiator - Defeating NPCs, players (disabled by default), and wild Pokemon.
Harvester - Breaking blocks.
Looter - Open Poke Loot chests.
Teacher - Learning new moves.
Trader - Trading Pokemon.
Photographer - Taking pictures of Pokemon.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Added the option to give multiple items in a reward in the config
(This means you need to delete your config file and let a new one generate!)

–Fixed the code that pays the player money

–Cleaned up the config a little bit, removing the comments from config nodes and putting them as actual comments

–Fixed the plugin only checking if there is an item reward, not checking if a reward is a Pokemon or money

–Small bits of code cleanup here and there

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Fixed the plugin not giving rewards on level up (sharing is caring!)

–Changed the way the plugin checks for whether it should give rewards or not. Now, if you set the chance to 1, it will be 100%

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Fixed the rewards system, basically the whole thing wasn’t really working correctly so I rewrote it

–Added the option to have a reward be a command

–Changed how the chance of in-skill perks trigger and how the values of the chances in the config file are shown

–Fixed an error in the Archaeologist skill where the player was not being given extra fossils (in-skill perk) due to an error in the name being parsed into the command executor

This version messes with the config file, so you’ll have to delete the skills.conf and the accounts.conf files. Sorry about that, but its a change for the better!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Fixed rewards having multiple prizes not giving all the prizes

–Rewrote the executors for both the perks and the rewards to work off of the same, less confusing system
(Takes number from config, does a random number out of 100, checks to see if RNG number is less than config number)

–Made it to where you can set the chance to 0 to trigger perks and rewards 100% of the time (mostly for testing purposes, I don’t recommend keeping it that way)

–Fixed a few typos between skills here and there

This version changes the skills.conf file! You will need to delete it and have the plugin regenerate it or else things may not work well!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Fixed some skills triggering the code, some not (why this was even happening…I don’t know)

–Fixed some stuff in the Breeder skill that hasn’t been updated in quite some time

–(Hopefully) finally fixed the rewards (this time was an index out of bounds error)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

–Fixed the missing ) symbol in the config nodes for perks, causing them to not work

This version modifies the config, so regenerate yours!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Completely rewritten, due to many many bugs (that threw no errors…)

–Added Berry Planting and Apricorn Planting tasks to the Botanist skill

–Redesigned the skills config to be more organized. Its larger, but its neater!

–Fixed 99.999% of all the bugs in the plugin

The in-skill perks (when set to 100%) are bugged to give endless amounts while the player is on the perk level, I’m not sure how to fix that yet, so its best to just disable perks in the config for now!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed EXP messages sometimes showing “point” where it should say “points” and vice versa

  • Changed the “/pskills toggle true|false” command to support toggling messages for each skill:

    • “/pskills toggle <true|false>”
  • Changed Breeder’s Making-Eggs perk to set the Pokemon to its Hidden Ability:

    – This should cut out a lot of server sided lag from the plugin listening to the move event for each player to check eggs and check if the steps have been modified…etc etc, plus I’m unsure if that perk was ever working correctly anyway

    – Obviously, if a Pokemon has no Hidden Ability, the perk will not do anything.

  • Fixed the IV modifier (it was so broken that all I really need to say here is that I fixed it)

  • Added support of setting the IV modifier’s stats to modify to “random” to have the plugin select 1 random stat when that perk runs

  • Fixed Breeder’s perk message firing twice

  • Fixed the configuration generating a self-breaking Level-Locked Rewards config file (set up to give level 5, 10, and 15 rewards with only level 5 configured, causing level 10 to throw an error due to the reward not existing)

  • Removed the custom PlayerEggStepsEvent (due to changing Breeder’s Making-Eggs perk)

  • Fixed Gladiator breaking itself occasionally when killing Pokemon

  • Added "/pskills admin setperkchance " for setting a player specific perk chance value

  • Added support of using “all” in “/pskills toggle <true|false>” to disable/enable the EXP messages for all skills at once “/pskills toggle all false”

  • Added a blacklist of Pokemon names to Collector

  • Added the ability to disable the individual perk for each task

  • Added the ability to toggle the type of variable used for perk chances (integer - 1-100, or double - 0-1)

  • Added/Fixed the setting of per-task perks instead of per-level perks:

    – Now perks are set by the task done when triggered, so if “multiple-perks” is set to false and a player triggers, for example, the Making Eggs perk in Breeder, the plugin will now allow them to get the perk for Hatching Eggs instead of locking them out of perks completely until the next perk level

  • Fixed player account config files breaking themselves (saving too fast) when getting EXP too quickly

  • Fixed skills’ EXP values doing some funky floating-point math logic (no more 0.200000000001 values)

  • Fixed Perks triggering multiple times per level despite setting that option to false in the config

  • Fixed player specific perk chances always generating at 100%

  • Fixed Barterer’s price requirement methods not working correctly

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed Conqueror and Gladiator not working (swapped config indexes)

  • Fixed Artificer’s Using-Pixelmon-Anvil task causing errors (Reforged version)

Reforged users: You’re going to need to go into /config/pixelskills/skills/Artificer and delete just the settings.conf file when installing this update

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed Conqueror and Gladiator not working (swapped config indexes)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed EXP messages sometimes showing “point” where it should say “points” and vice versa

  • Changed the “/pskills toggle true|false” command to support toggling messages for each skill:

    • “/pskills toggle <true|false>”
  • Changed Breeder’s Making-Eggs perk to set the Pokemon to its Hidden Ability:

    – This should cut out a lot of server sided lag from the plugin listening to the move event for each player to check eggs and check if the steps have been modified…etc etc, plus I’m unsure if that perk was ever working correctly anyway

    – Obviously, if a Pokemon has no Hidden Ability, the perk will not do anything.

  • Fixed the IV modifier (it was so broken that all I really need to say here is that I fixed it)

  • Added support of setting the IV modifier’s stats to modify to “random” to have the plugin select 1 random stat when that perk runs

  • Fixed Breeder’s perk message firing twice

  • Fixed the configuration generating a self-breaking Level-Locked Rewards config file (set up to give level 5, 10, and 15 rewards with only level 5 configured, causing level 10 to throw an error due to the reward not existing)

  • Added "/pskills admin setperkchance " for setting a player specific perk chance value

  • Added support of using “all” in “/pskills toggle <true|false>” to disable/enable the EXP messages for all skills at once “/pskills toggle all false”

  • Added a blacklist of Pokemon names to Collector

  • Added the ability to disable the individual perk for each task

  • Added the ability to toggle the type of variable used for perk chances (integer - 1-100, or double - 0-1)

  • Added/Fixed the setting of per-task perks instead of per-level perks:

    – Now perks are set by the task done when triggered, so if “multiple-perks” is set to false and a player triggers, for example, the Making Eggs perk in Breeder, the plugin will now allow them to get the perk for Hatching Eggs instead of locking them out of perks completely until the next perk level

  • Fixed player account config files shitting themselves (saving too fast) when getting EXP too quickly

  • Fixed skills’ EXP values doing some funky floating-point math logic (no more 0.200000000001 values)

  • Fixed Perks triggering multiple times per level despite setting that option to false in the config

  • Fixed player specific perk chances always generating at 100%

  • Fixed Barterer’s price requirement methods not working correctly

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Pixelmon MMO plugin

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

Pixelmon MMO plugin

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed killing non-Mega bosses giving Gladiator EXP instead of Conqueror EXP (after fighting for about an hour with Reforged’s like 4 different class files for Pokemon trying to find which one they attached boss data to)

  • Fixed (by removing) the manually written method checking if a Pokemon can have a Mega (because I was looking for boss data for so long I actually found that Reforged has the same method for “if can have Mega” built in, so I’m now using that instead)

  • Added a setting to turn on to have the Action Bar showing skill EXP and level information to never go away

    – Use “/pskills toggle constant <true|false>” to toggle this

    – To disable, simply run ^ that command setting to false and gain EXP again

    – If turned on, will activate when EXP is gained.

    – Supports getting EXP from different skills.

    – I have no idea how well it work in a multiplayer environment

    – Obviously, the EXP type Action Bar setting needs to be set to true for this to work (If you have no idea what this means, then you’re fine)

  • Added the ability to set a trigger chance for reward options

    – Plugin didn’t error out giving me a reward so I assume it works correctly?

  • Probably fixed perks not triggering on max skill level (I wasn’t about to spend the next few hours testing that)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Added a setting to turn on to have the Action Bar showing skill EXP and level information to never go away

    – Use “/pskills toggle constant <true|false>” to toggle this

    – To disable, simply run ^ that command setting to false and gain EXP again

    – If turned on, will activate when EXP is gained.

    – Supports getting EXP from different skills.

    – I have no idea how well it work in a multiplayer environment

    – Obviously, the EXP type Action Bar setting needs to be set to true for this to work (If you have no idea what this means, then you’re fine)

  • Added the ability to set a trigger chance for reward options

    – Plugin didn’t error out giving me a reward so I assume it works correctly?

  • Probably fixed perks not triggering on max skill level (I wasn’t about to spend the next few hours testing that)

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed player account files getting automatically set to 3 EXP by default

    – This system updates the player account system in an efficient way. It does not require a reset, but can be told to do so. A new node should automatically generate in each settings.conf file (toggled to disable by default) setting whether or not to rewrite the player account files with the correct “base value needed for level 2” value (note, this will obviously reset player accounts if you turn this option on)

    – This is a one-time “redo” for the player account files if turned on. It will reset the accounts to the proper EXP value for their level 2. Once enabled, the code will regenerate the player account file when the player logs in.

    – Note: if this new upgrade to the system is left completely untouched, new players’ accounts will be generated with the default 3 EXP value.

  • Fixed Gladiator/Conqueror breaking itself when trying to get the task from the Pokemon defeated.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed player account files getting automatically set to 3 EXP by default

    – This system updates the player account system in an efficient way. It does not require a reset, but can be told to do so. A new node should automatically generate in each settings.conf file (toggled to disable by default) setting whether or not to rewrite the player account files with the correct “base value needed for level 2” value (note, this will obviously reset player accounts if you turn this option on)

    – This is a one-time “redo” for the player account files if turned on. It will reset the accounts to the proper EXP value for their level 2. Once enabled, the code will regenerate the player account file when the player logs in.

    – Note: if this new upgrade to the system is left completely untouched, new players’ accounts will be generated with the default 3 EXP value.

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed player account generation system

  • Should have fixed perks not triggering on max level

  • Added a command for adding EXP to players

    – /pskills admin addexp “player” “skill” “exp”

  • Added not-functional (yet) skeletal structure code for a new feature coming soon!

A new version has been released for PixelSkills, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed player account generation system

  • Should have fixed perks not triggering on max level

  • Added a command for adding EXP to players

    – /pskills admin addexp “player” “skill” “exp”

  • Added not-functional (yet) skeletal structure code for a new feature coming soon!