Plugin bundles - Idea

An alternative would be a versioning system kind of similar to the one which is used by plugins… That could work with fixed-version packs like @FunnyGopher said. And there should definitely be an option for devs to specify, if the usage in 3rd party packs is allowed, @mrfrase3.
If the right people will develop this, it can get a new feature, that extends the user experience (like @FunnyGopher wrote above).

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This would also be an awesome suggestion for PhonicUK for MCMyAdmin.

all this would be amazing

What if your plugin is stuck in a Fixed Version pack, only to find your version has a serious bug? The whole Pack would have to be updated for the fix.

Maybe we can have a plugins.json file, the jar reads it and downloads the files, and the dependencies the plugins come with.

"plugins": {
  "worldguard": "latest",
  "essentials": "2.9.x"

cough cough check out Installation and plugin management

I like the idea if the individual developers give permissions to make a pack.

I think the Sponge team could make a system that you can tag what plugins the pack is using and then the devs of that plugin could accept it or decline it.

I imagine whoever was putting the pack together would test it before the pack was released, to make sure there was compatibility with the other plugins. If a major bug was found during this testing period, the developer could be contacted and asked if they could fix the bug for the pack. Just relies on some communication. :slight_smile: