[Discontinued] Polis [v2.7.0]

This breaks on the newest Sponge 1721 with the basic new Inventory API

I see that there was an issue with pixelmon not being able to be challenged in safe zones, and I am now having that problem myself. I couldn’t see how the issue got fixed though; can anyone tell me how it works? Also, how would I allow players to kill sheep/pigs/cows/etc. in safe zones as well?

You’d do /polis addusable {entity/tile ID}. For instance, minecraft:pig or for Pixelmon, pixelmon:pixelmon.

That did not work.

Wait, it finally did…

Is this compatible with RedProtect?
Could I have a RedProtect admin claim inside a Polis admin claim safe zone and the RedProtect zone override the Polis claim it’s inside of?

Generally with protection plugins they tend to work together wellish.

If regions overlap from different sources, what tends to happen is that the most restrictive one wins.

theoretical example, please don’t take too literally as I don’t have much experience with either plugin.
FoxGuard with a region and handler for a world preventing placement of trapdoors.
Polis town inside that.

the polis town will prevent people from outside the town from building within it, but foxguard will prevent anyone from being able to place trapdoors, even if they own the town.

Does that help at all?

Do you know what the ShopKeeper/Talking NPCs/etc. entity IDs are? I can’t find them

I downloaded the latest verion of Polis and Spongeforge. I wasn’t ready to fully implement economy but wanted players to claim, so I set claim max at 6 and price at 0. Players were able to claim as many chunks as they wanted to.

This is quite the under developed plugin at the moment.

Trying to stop mobs from being able to spawn in the spawn safezone and addzonemob command does not work at all if the mod doesn’t improve in regards to functionality and being less confusing then will seriously be looking at moving to nations once that is ready for API 5.

i have an issue here, i cant allow users to ride minecarts in public areas, which is the exact entity full ID?

@Bubbles @Joshua_Law I’d report this to Hassan’s GitHub, which you can find in the main post above.

Thank you, I submitted it. I like the plugin, I just thought maybe I had a setting wrong.

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This is being updated to latest API revision today.


One of my staff ran across this exploit today and reported it to me:

When one uses /p deposit, they are able to enter a negative amount and pull money from the aether and have it plopped into their account. This does affect the polis balance however, manifesting as a negative polis balance.

For the time being I am going to disable claiming costing money and will disallow the permissions node for the deposit command.


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You should report this to the GitHub - that’s where it is best to track the bugs.

I have a problem because when I want create cuboid/safezone to spawn and write /polis adminclaim Spawn writes “Zone name is not applicable”. Help me!

That’s because you interpreted the argument wrong. The name specifies the ‘type’ of claim, not it’s actual name/purpose. So, you’d use the command like this:
/polis adminclaim SafeZone/WarZone [radius]

Release v2.7.0:

Minecraft 1.10.2 - Tested on SpongeForge 6.0.0-BETA-1869


  • Checking claims goes through a cache, massively improving performance
  • Can now set how many extra claims a town gets based on player count. Default is +5 per town member.
  • Fixed an issue where there was no cap to the number of claims
  • HQs are now set the moment someone makes their first claim
  • Admins can now set leaders of other towns (node: polis.setleader.admin)
  • Admins also can now disband other towns (node: polis.disband.admin)
  • Modified displayed information in /polis info
  • Executives can leave towns (thanks to @ryantheleach for this one)

I’ve only put out this version for 1.10.2 since everyone’s kinda moving past 1.8.9. Also because it would take me way too long to get all those changes back on to the 1.8.9 version, but if anyone asks tell them it’s the first reason. Your regular host will be back soon I’m sure, however I am putting out this version because Hassan has been busy, and the majority of the changes above were done by me in his stead. Performance was getting pretty rough.

I can’t guarantee that it’s perfectly stable, and it probably does have a couple bugs here and there, but the performance is a lot better; that I can say with confidence. Hope it helps those of you struggling with performance. Be sure to place tickets with bugs.

~ Much love, Hiroku