Precogs - An AntiCheat service and API built for Sponge

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Precogs. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


An AntiCheat service and API built for Sponge.


  • Extensible system for plugins to disable detections temporarily.
  • Ability for plugins to log and retrieve user violation level.


  • [Java] 8
  • Sponge


Note: If you do not have [Gradle] installed then use ./gradlew for Unix systems or Git Bash and gradlew.bat for Windows systems in place of any ā€˜gradleā€™ command.

In order to build Precogs you simply need to run the gradle build command. You can find the compiled JAR file in ./build/libs labeled similarly
to ā€˜Precogs-x.x-SNAPSHOT.jarā€™.

Plugins using Precogs

  • Guardian

Have a plugin using Precogs? Contact me and Iā€™ll add it.


Thou hast slain the loathsome beast.

At least I thinketh so. Not much listed under ā€œFeaturesā€.

I plan on adding some usage guides soonish, but there arenā€™t many features at the moment as there arenā€™t many AntiCheat plugins to base usage off.

Does this plugin provide Anti-Cheat protection on itā€™s own?


This is an API for developers to interface with AntiCheat plugins. Currently only Guardian implements it, however Iā€™m working with other AntiCheat devs to get it implemented.

Basically this means if a plugin throws a player into the air, it can use this to temporarily allow the action with all AntiCheat plugins rather than having to interface with each one separately.

Think of it as a VaultAPI for AntiCheat.

ā€¦ oh.


Ok. Thanks. I suppose Guardian is to be found here in the forums.

Where can I find guardian? Canā€™t find it anywhereā€¦

Itā€™s not currently at a public release stage.

Dev builds are at, and the source is at

A new version has been released for Precogs, it is available for download here.

Service-based API for AntiCheat plugins.

  • Fixed a few issues with mutability.