Project Worlds - World Manager

Hi !
To create a world i do :

/world create Creaflip
/world import Creaflip minecraft:overworld default
/load Creaflip

I have “could not load Creaflip”

Sorry for my english i’m too bad :confused:
Can you help me please ? thnx very mutch

You don’t need to run /world import

That command is for importing Worlds from other servers.

yep ok but there s the same problem without this command. :confused:
Sorry for my bad english :confused:

What version of Sponge, and ProjectWorlds do you have? Are there any console errors? Also does a server restart load the created world?

OH i see something in the console :
multiworld is disable via allow nether in

so its now ok but we cant disable nether ?

is it possible to schedule creation/deletion of worlds? Say I wanted to delete the nether or any other dimension on a regular basis, such as every month the nether gets deleted so that a fresh one is made upon a server restart? I have my server set to restart every 3 hours.

Is it a possibility to have first join kits or any other kits exclusive to each world?
Example, player jumps on world A, gets a first join kit related to that world. Jumps over to World B, gets a first join kit related to that world?

Hmm. That’s interesting. Try setting loadonstartup to false

/world loadonstartup DIM-1 false /world unload DIM-1

This plugin does not have kits

I’d recommend looking into a command scheduler plugin to accomplish this. I know there’s at least one floating around on the forums

How can I check the arguments for a command?

Also is there a generator for a world that is just void?

Until Usage outputs in Sponge is fixed there’s is no way to display possible args, however you can try out something I’ve been working on

Sponge has a void modifier that can be used

/world create <world> -m sponge:void

Nice :smiley:
If I want to import a world, do I just put it in the main server folder and do /world import <WORLD NAME> minecraft:overworld sponge:void?

EDIT: Just tried that and I got this error:
[19:42:16 INFO]: No values matching pattern 'sponge:void' present for generatorType! import Lagoon minecraft:overworld sponge:void

Ok i have CommandScheduler, but I am unsure of what command to use to delete a world… specifically dimensions…

generator type and modifiers are not the same. I actually never added the option for modifiers on imported worlds however I just pushed an update that includes it.

/world import <world> <dimensionType> <generatorType> [modifier]

in your case

/world import <world> minecraft:overworld overworld sponge:void

To delete a world you first need to unload it

/world unload <world>

followed by removing it

/world remove <world>

You’ll want to make sure the first command is finished before executing the second

I know that. Are you planning to add something at any time? I run Nucleus for kits and love it, would be nice to have the proper kits for fitting worlds

Kits are out of the scope of this plugin. I would suggest contacting the developer of Nucleus requesting the feature required.

Will do. Thank you very much for a great plug in. I absolutely love it. Please give a link to donate. Cheers