Protection Stone plugins

I need protection stone area for player for build home. Another player can’t break home in owner area. Owner can break and replace protection stone. Protection stone can protect no sticktouch.

Example : Coal_Ore 10x10x10, Diamond_Ore 30x30x30

Thank you for every comment.

I’m not sure to understand what you want but you could try RedProtect.

He means like protection stones or precious stones from bukkit. Admins can define different sized protection fields in the config. Players can purchase them by placing down the field’s corresponding block while some command is toggled.

I’d also like to see a plugin similar to this on Sponge.

I used to have LPB on my server :
(Similar to precious stone and protection stone)

Really great idea, it would be awesome if someone could extend an existing plugin (RedProtect, FoxGuards) in order to include these stones.

This could be really cool. I’ll look into it and get back to you.

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May I bump this topic ?


But this is an interesting idea. I’d like to see this, too, because it is survival mode friendly(no commands).

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That’s is the point, I love protection blocks for being survival mode compliant.

That was a joke :wink:
I should have made it more clear by inserting an emoji

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My bad, it was a 312 days old topic.

Came here to request an addon like this, so I am bumping this old thread as well!

The appeal is that you are integrating the chunk claiming into the Survival experience, instead of using chat commands.

It also means new players who set off into the wild have another goal, to mine up and craft whatever stone you’ve specified, so it adds something to the experience.

I’d pay $$$$ for a plugin like this!

I can give a few $$ as well.

I can’t seem to send a direct message. I’ve been in touch with a developer who is willing to take on this project. I wonder if you could PM me and we can discuss the possibility of partnering up to give them some fair compensation for taking this on?

I don’t know if you still need it, but i am creating one :wink: (Its still in a early version) 🛡 Spongy Protection Stones 🛡

…Thanks for nice inform about that. Let me check it out.

Thanks, I use claimblock atm

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