Right click a sign, run command on the player from console

Heya, there may be a plugin that features this that I’m not aware of but I’ve attempted to accomplish this with multiple plugins without the results I was looking for.

Running API 5, I just need to be able to have a player right click a sign or a button and then the console will run a command that includes a %PLAYER% variable of some sorts. Project Automation looks like it’s ripe to accomplish this but can’t find a term to use, if any exists, to apply the command on the user clicking the block.

So if anyone could help me with this, that would be a massive help!

Hi, I used commandSigns with @p “/tppos @ X Y Z” but it need to be updated for latest API.
Unfortunately, this plugin could not handle button command.

Would be useful if it was updated haha, I can use a sign and not a button. Doesn’t matter to me either way.

It is up to date :wink: