Run Client

I am wanting to be able to do quick in-game debugging with the plugins i make and i have seen a couple things for doing this but its for using spongeForge which i am not using i am using spongeVanilla so was wondering if to make a config for the spongeVanilla to run a client

There are a couple of ways to debug with sponge. The simplest way is to run sponge forge on the client side as you wont be kicked from the server for the reason of the server is not responding.

While I know you said your using sponge vanilla, there is very little difference between sponge forge and vanilla so you will be fine to debug it on sponge forge as a client.

If you are using one of the unique classes to sponge vanilla. First of why? And secondly there is a way, however as there is no client for sponge vanilla because … Its well … Vanilla, you will need to deal with the time out issues. I personally only know how to do this special debug way through the Intelij idea IDE, not sure if its possible though any other

okay so how would i setup the debug for teh sponge forge as the thing i seen in the docs for doing the run thing doesnt work for genintellijruns

Going to need a little more information then “it doesnt work”. You got a log? What have you done so far?