Running Sponge in eclipse

I’m completely stumped and I’m sorry in advance if this is a compete newb error. I can run SpongeVanilla in my IDE, elipse, as well as spongecommon. When I load Sponge for forge, eclipse can’t find the main class:

Error: Could not find or load main class org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeCoremod

Please let me know if you need more info :slight_smile:

I think the launch config is slightly broken.

Go into the Run Configurations dialog. In Sponge_Server and Sponge_Client go to the Arguments tab and change -Dfml.coreMods.load org.spongepowered... to -Dfml.coreMods.load=org.spongepowered.... There is a missing = sign.

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That did it!

Now that i look at it, the README file is correct. While setting up, the Run configs were there when I went to add the server and client, so I had skipped that step and thus got the args with the missing “=”.

Thank you!

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