ScarletWorldModifier - A configurable Sponge plugin for modifying world generation by replacing blocks

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, ScarletWorldModifier. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


A configurable Sponge plugin for modifying world generation by replacing blocks.

Edit scarlet_world_modifier.conf in config directory to manage block replacements in specific worlds and biomes.

Sample config

config {
    world-name {
	biomes {
	     "biome-id" {
	global {


If final-block-id is invalid, then block with original-block-id will be replaced by stone.

In order for the plugin to replace blocks in world with name world-name, there needs to be following entry in file config/ sponge/worlds/minecraft/dimension/world-name/world.conf:





config {
    hell {
	global {



config {
    arid {
	global {

A new version has been released for ScarletWorldModifier, it is available for download here.

A configurable Sponge plugin for modifying world generation by replacing blocks.

A new version has been released for ScarletWorldModifier, it is available for download here.

A configurable Sponge plugin for modifying world generation by replacing blocks.

I tried to use the plugin but I don’t understand where to put ''In order for the plugin to replace blocks in world with name world-name, there needs to be following entry in file config/ sponge/worlds/minecraft/dimension/world-name/world.conf ‘’

I’ve tried the ARID example but it doesn’t work

Sorry for replying so late.
Contents of this file should look like this:

sponge {
    world {
        # If 'true', this world will generate its spawn the moment its loaded.
        # If 'true', this world will load on startup.
    # World Generation Modifiers to apply to the world

If you’re using Nucleus, you can use the command /world create -m scarlet_world_modifier:swm <worldname> to create the world and apply the modifier at the same time. I think ProjectWorlds has a similar command, though I couldn’t tell you what that is!

You wouldn’t need to alter the config in that case.

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