Separate Plugins Section

Before I start, I didn’t know where to put this. I figured here would be OK, but feel free to move it.

Alright, so I used to use and then Bukkit got shutdown pretty much. So, I think that there needs to be a completely separate webpage or set of forums for developed plugins. Not people who have ideas for plugins or want to discuss random plugins, but for plugins that have been made by developers. It would make it a lot easier to find plugins because if you search for plugins right now you can end of with results of some possible plugins and other posts about discussions of plugins.

Please note that at the moment I am experimenting with the idea of using Sponge, and I used Spigot before as much as I could.

Yes, a plugin repository is being planned. See here:

But that in’t really that much of concern yet, as sponge isn’t nearly ready for use.
Edit: Also, you should probably read the posts in the announcement section, they’ll give you a lot of valuable information.

But theres no sponge jar yet, so theres no (Tested and working) developed plugins.

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I think this thread would be better in the meta category as its talking about the web and not sponge.