SeriousVote - This is the best nuVotifier listener you’ll ever use. Players not online? No problem, it will rack up their votes until next time they join, and don’t worry it won’t spam the public chat 50 times

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SeriousVote 4.9.1 API 5.0 and 6.0 & 7.0 1.10.2/1.11.2/1.12*

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This is the best NuVotifier listener you’ll ever use. Players not online? No problem, it will rack up their votes until next time they join, and don’t worry it won’t spam the public chat 50 times. NuVotifier also runs it’s listener Async to make it compatible with BungeeCord. I’ve implemented a work around so commands are run from the main thread. If that wasn’t enough, cut the silence and motivate your players to vote by setting up the milestone rewards! Like dailies but for your addicting heroine-like server, How could Blizzard ever compete with you? Even better you can make your own Custom milestones, want to make a record for 3,20,17 votes you can do that! Want to make one for 1337 votes, you can do that too!

The whole Loot system has been reworked to introduce the new extremely flexible Loot Tables and table sets. These allow you to have the reward system choose from multiple sets of rewards allowing you to both re-use some rewards and organize and separate how you use them. Even better you can now for normal votes run more than one command.

Need help?
Check out out wiki, the link is above.
Oh…So you still need help? Check out the discord, I’ll help you figure it out.

NuVotifier - Official! ← If this is not set up right…SV will not work :frowning:

Let me know your thoughts and ideas!!

Known Issues

  • Plugin not loading without PlaceholderAPI - fixed in next version
  • Possible issues with MariaDB - fixed in the next version


I often get asked the same questions with the same exact answers and I wanted to make a quick guide so we can save some time in the process. I don’t always have time to answer questions, and I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re being ignored. So here we go.

#1 Question - Can you help me? I’m not getting any rewards in game!

9/10 times this is happening because your NuVotifier is not setup correctly. My plugin does literally nothing if NuVotifier is not receiving votes. So please ensure NuVotifier is functioning otherwise you won’t get any action from SeriousVote (SV).

How do I find out if it’s NuVotifier causing an issue?

This one is pretty easy, run a test vote to your server. First you will need to enable debug mode in NuVotifier.
To enable debug mode:

  1. Go to your NuVotifier config folder. Edit the Config.yml.
  2. You are going to set the line with debug to debug: true.
  3. Save the file and run /nvreload.

Debug mode should now be enabled and you should see more output on your console. After you have that set up we will be firing a test vote to the server.

I like using Votifier tester · Minecraft Server Tools · A little help for the server admin just for its simplicity but I have also used other tools including local ones. Double and triple check to make sure the server information you put in the form fields is correct!!! Send the vote and check your console for the output. A successful vote will show output like the output below. Upon restarting / reloading you will also see that NuVotifier loaded in debug mode.
Example of server successfully receiving a vote
If you get output like the below, it means your public key is incorrect. The easiest way to fix this is to delete your /rsa folder and restart the server, it will generate new keys. Make sure to copy them exactly with no space before or after!
Example of server with broken rsa keys

If you get no output at all, it means your network configuration is incorrect! This part is EXTREMELY Important. Here’s a list of things you should look out for.

  1. host Should either be or under almost all circumstances, unless you have a specific networking infrastructure and you know what you are doing, in which case it’s unlikely you are looking for help here.

  2. port This one is usually the biggest problem because most people don’t use the correct port.

    1. If you are hosting from home, you can use any port available on your computer, but you must Port forward that port to your computer, otherwise you won’t get any votes.
    2. If you are hosting from a MC host (BeastNode, Apex, Creeper, etc…) you will usually have to get which port you use from your server host. They will be able to provide you a information on what port to use. Often times they already provide a port for you to use which you can look up in your panel.
    3. For any server make sure your firewall is allowing those ports open. I will not be providing documentation on how to do that as there are thousands of possibilities.
  3. disable-v1-protocol Should be false. Basically no one supports “v2” AFAIK, and there’s no real need to use it.

  4. forwarding Unless you are setting up bungee or something, you can leave it as none. Those setups are more complex and you should be looking at the actual NuVotifier / Votifier documentation for that.

For the other 1/10 times, the issue stems from a broken config. This is pretty straightforward:

  1. Make sure you are saving your file with Unix Line Endings.
    1. If you use Notepad++ you can change that from the menus. Edit > EOL Conversion > Unix
    2. If you use VS Code you can change it at the lower bottom. In the status area there will be some text that either says CRLF or LF. You can click there to make sure you are selecting LF.
  2. Make sure you have a closing quote/parentheses/brace for every quote/parentheses/brace you place down. Make sure you have commas between items in a list. Etc…
  3. It’s a big config I know, I’ll be working on improving it’s ease of use. Look at the config guide for help on where to start.

If you require any help because you are not receiving rewards, these will be the first steps I will make you go through, and I will ask you for confirmation that you have done them. So start here and don’t try to get a shortcut. Discord

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

-Added /svversion
-Fixed empty messages on vote

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

SeriousVote 4.8.7 Release - API 5/6/7

  • Proper placeholder supports. Check out the wiki for a list of placeholders.
    sv-player-votes_{USERNAME} - returns the number of votes {USERNAME} has.
    sv-top-name_{RANK} - returns the name of the person ranked Nth in top votes. {RANK} = int
    sv-top-votes_{RANK} - returns the total votes of the person ranked Nth in top votes. {RANK} = int
    sv-total-voters - returns the total number of active voters in the database.
    sv-version - returns the version number of serious vote.
  • New Support for offline mode. Note that this support is for those running Bungee / Waterfall. If you do make the switch you must run the migration command.

  • New commands.
    /svresetall Permission: seriousvote.commands.admin.resetallvotes
    This command resets all player votes to 0. Sprees remain intact
    svmigratefromonline Permission: seriousvote.commands.admin.super.migratefromonline
    This command is only to be used if you are running in offline mode!!! It will turn all UUIDs into usernames.
    /svswapid Permission: seriousvote.commands.admin.changeplayerid
    This command is used to change a player’s ID in the system. Whether that be name-to-name, id-to-name, name-to-id, or id-to-id.
    /svdumpsql Permission: seriousvote.commands.admin.dumpsql
    This command is used to dump all the player data from an sql database into a csv file in the config folder. It also prints some information.

  • Automatic monthly reset system. The system can automatically reset all player votes on x day of the month. it requires the monthly-reset-enabled: true and monthly-reset-day: 1 nodes set in the config.
  • Persistent debug mode. (If you really want all that spam) requires debug-mode: true set to true in the config.

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

SeriousVote 4.8.8 Release - API 5/6/7

  • Database improvements - performance and pooling
  • Added config option “dbType” can be set to mariadb or mysql
  • Added more debug
  • Added NuVotifier Version to /svversion /svinfo
  • Fix dependency issues from placeholder as well as some offline/online status issues
  • Hooked into the sponge reload event
  • More fixes
  • Added SetVote Command - also works for offline with an optional toggle
  • Hooked reset all votes with an optional config option to also reset offline votes.
  • monthly-reset-enabled: true
    monthly-reset-day: 1
    monthly-reset-cache-enabled: true
  • Fix issue with days till next daily not displaying correctly - hooked it up with the fixed helper command

New Commands

/setvote Permission: seriousvote.commands.admin.setplayervotes
This command sets the total votes of a player to a given number. It uses 3 arguments: username, quantity, true/false if you want this to apply to the offline cached votes.

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

Important SeriousVote Update 4.8.9 - BStats temporarily removed.

Due to compliance with ore I’ve temporarily removed bStats. Until I decide how I want to handle consent for collection.

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

Serious Vote 4.9.0

This will be the final release of V4 before v5.

  • Fixes /givevote command
  • Sponge Metrics Compliance
  • /svdebug persists
  • Adds the {vote-service} variable which can be augmented to your server messages.
  • Added some handling for when non-existent players vote for test votes

A new version has been released for SeriousVote, it is available for download here.

Serious Vote 4.9.0

This will be the final release of V4 before v5.

  • Fixes /givevote command
  • Sponge Metrics Compliance
  • /svdebug persists
  • Adds the {vote-service} variable which can be augmented to your server messages.
  • Added some handling for when non-existent players vote for test votes
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