Server Core - The new Server Manager

Finally :smiley: Some actually object orientated code :smiley: Somebody who makes something without sticking a bunch of methods into a class file!!!

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Update i fixed up the names github will be updated shortly

A row of

if(message.contains("...")) {
} else if(message.contains("...")) {

Is still not the right way to go about it.
@thomas15v had a nice, oo and modular solution to your problem. Just read it againā€¦

EDIT: Also, this:

public void onChatEvent(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
    String message = event.getMessage();
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("Hello")) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Hey " + event.getPlayer() + " How may i assist you?");
    } else if (message.contains("How do I get to the nether?")) {

really makes me wonder. If you are already using a local variable to reference the player, then why would you use event.getPlayer() in some places? As for surpressing unused, if you have that warning in a method, you are doing something wrong in 99.9% of all cases.


event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Hey " + event.getPlayer() + " How may i assist you?");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Need help with the nether? type \"how do i get to the nether\" in chat.");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("About to die? type (heal) in chat ");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Want the server version? type (version) in chat");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("type (Help me) to recieve kinda help");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Current Commands: ");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Current Commands: ");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Current Commands: ");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Current Commands: ");
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Current Commands: ");

Seems a bit hardcodedā€¦ You should probably store it in a List / and Array and then loop over it. Will make it easier to read from a config aswell.


public void Stopevent(ServerStoppingEvent event) {}
public void gameevent(PreInitializationEvent event) {}

Why are you using PascalCase for some methods instead of camelCase?

Try following these rules:
Classes, Interfaces and Enums in PascalCase
Methods, Fields, Parameters and local veriables in camelCase.


public void stopEvent(ServerStoppingEvent event) {}
//Although gameEvent is not a very descriptive name...Won't have a lot of events that aren't "gameEvents". Minecraft is a game afterall.
public void gameEvent(PreInitializationEvent event) {}

Donā€™t confuse him. :wink:

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Trying my best.

I also would have made a local variable honestly :blush:. To limit lenght of the lines. As for the compiler it doesnā€™t really make a diffrence I think. I gues it would have changed it ā€¦ not sure.

Its even simpler than that:

event.getPlayer().sendMessage("About to die? type (heal) in chat ", "Want the server version? type (version) in chat");
//nothardcoded (or at least less hardcoded xD)
String[] bunchoftext = {"About to die? type (heal) in chat ", "Want the server version? type (version) in chat"};
event.getPlayer().sendMessage( bunchoftext );
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@Paulcarter : Half of being a good software developer is knowing how to think about your code, today, tomorrow, and just as importantly, a year from now.

May I humbly suggest watching this in its entirety: Rails Conf 2012 Keynote: Simplicity Matters by Rich Hickey - YouTube

Pardon the commercial-let at the beginning.

Good to know that works.

This makes me cry :ā€™(

Whichever one of you posted this to Redditā€¦thatā€™s not nice :frowning:

ā€¦ Thats not the updated github and WHO PUT THIS ON REDDIT

Excuse me for having a life, and not working on code every minute

Nono, itā€™s the quality of the code.

Could be badder ā€¦ . But apropos I think we should stop saying something about the code. I am sure the OP will learn a lot if he will make this plugin. And if we get to Servercore 3.0 recoded we may would talk differently. When I started coding I didnā€™t even know that if had an else ā€¦ .

This was the first thing I made:
I remember it had ehm, more than 9000 lines of code in main.c. And no, it didnā€™t had an any else in itā€¦ .
(Yeah I know the links are down, that dropbox account is probably canceled (I was a kid and shared illegal psp hacking stuff on that account :cry:)) Wait is that 3 years ago Ā°_Ā°ā€¦ . Holy ā€¦

Iā€™m not sure whether you want to post that on the internet.
Andā€¦ it really doesnā€™t look like you know how to code in Java, you should watch a tutorial, or even better, read a Java book.

Seems I was something like 15 when I started. I am 19 now. Akward I had the feeling,ā€¦ . But yeah when I was 11 i didnā€™t even had a computer. And I got internet when I was 14 so yeah,ā€¦ .

Well at least its good you started so young. If you continue to code, you will get to the elite definally. But hey definally respect. If I could change it now, I wished I had a computer at that age. But no I was still climbing treeā€™s, playing card games and trading pokimon cards.

But to be honest the project that your trying to start may be a bit, euhm to mutch for a starter. I would recommend you to try something simpelers.


Ive had computers since i was 3 i was never a climb tree trade pokemon cards kind of kid

Well yeah, then I guess itā€™s a good thing I submitted a PR to it? xD

Meh. Doubled vertical whitespaces. Meh meh meh.
But good job on the rest.

What you gonna do? eh? At least Iā€™m not using tab characters for horizontal whitespaceā€¦ :wink:

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