Server Core - The new Server Manager

Updated Docs/Website

What makes me wonder most is that there are a lot of people here willing to help, contributing ideas and code examples. But these help offers are simply ignored. I mean… this :cry: What should that even be?

ewww google sites. who uses that for code hosting? :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s all about the use case. Sure Apache License has patent grants, MIT on the other hand is probably the most permissive you can get.

@ButterDev, that’s not really constructive.

Of course a lot of the plugin code is copy/paste, and the website is not perfect, but:

  • He made a basic plugin main class (without testing, so maybe it doesn’t work)
  • He uses GitHub to share the code
  • He made a website with documentation and downloads

Do we really need to attack someone who at least tries? What you @thomas15v and @ButterDev are saying is demoralising. If you saw this being said about you, would you be happy with it? We should be encouraging others who want to code to code.

It’s in no way perfect, but at least he’s giving it a go. He’ll learn in time. Let’s get behind him and help him learn, rather than just pulling everything apart.

Everyone starts somewhere.


I mean this file: Servercore/main at master ¡ paulcash/Servercore ¡ GitHub

The code @TBotV63 contributed looks great, but is not really beginner-friendly.

Let me respond in kind:

“Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself”

What has been said here could be seen as an attack. If he hasn’t responded to your help, fine, but that doesn’t give license to mock him.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”

Seems true here. Why try to attack and upset someone for the sake of it? Better just to step away. I understand your frustration here, having your help ignored, but remember that this is just an open source project. Especially remember that this is a young kid too.

“Live and let live”

It’s a project that you don’t have to associate yourself with. If you don’t like it, and, if you try to help and get shunned or ignored, you don’t need to continue your involvement. Just leave the post be, you don’t have to read it. Leave the poor kid alone to discover his mistakes by himself. You are under no obligation to help him if he asks later.

That is the beauty of Open Source.


I have removed several insulting comments that are entirely unnecessary and inappropriate. If I continue to see comments like that by any member, regardless of how long they have been on the forum, there will be punishments handed out.

If you have any questions, comments, complaints about what I have just done or said please send me a PM. Let’s not have further discussions in this thread about the rude posts.


Not mocking… wondering.

Yeah, looking at it, it’s not as simple as I thought…

Well atleast im trying im not a coding pro who has all day to do it i have about a hour a day tops and i dont have to be a perfect coder to try and i appreciate all the suggests But i dont like hand-outs or freebies sometimes i do but not when its something like this, ill take into account suggestions and use them but i dont like others doing my work for me So if my code isnt good enouph for you than you dont have to stay here


Don’t see it as other people doing work for you, but see it as people giving examples of what they mean. Also, collaboration and having other people contribute to your code aren’t bad things, although I can understand that you’d rather do the majority yourself.