šŸ›” [Anti-Grief|General Protection] RedProtect Universal (All APIs Compatible)

Iā€™m using Spongeforge Version 4.1.0-BETA-1227 for Forge version 1.8.9-1808

Yes, 1227 is a bad sponge version.
Update immediately to at least 1233 and your problems will be fixed instantly.

I highly recommend 1233 :slight_smile: Thats what I was previously on before updating to the latest for testing and it worked 100%

Okay, thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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My pleasure! If you need any more help just ask ^-^

Admin flags for enter/exit events, invincible, effects, deny enderpearl and command execution on enter/exit, and other exclusive Admin Flags;

Did the feature ever get fixed? Just wondering main feature I need =)

Enter/Exit was fixed, command execution was fixed.

I am unsure about invincibility, effects and enderpearl.
I can test that in an hour or so for you

Back with my desktop pc :smiley:

Lets get back to work and the todo list. :sunny:


What does ā€œTop priority: trueā€ mean? Iā€™m having trouble with allowing players to use healers (pixelmon block). Iā€™ve copied the flags from a region that does let the players interact with the blocks (allow-mod true).

The only unique thing with this region is that it says ā€œTop priority: trueā€ while the other says false.

EDIT: Ops, forgot that the region is also unique because it has the world spawn in it.

EDIT #2: I guess Top priority is an indicator that it is a child with priority? And that my problem probably is due to spawn protection?

EDIT #3: It was due to spawn protection ^^

Another question: How do I allow pistons? I got some levers hooked up to pistons, the player can use the levers (with flag lever true) but the pistons wonā€™t activate

Ok, back to work, iā€™ve tested:
Specs: SpongeForge 4.1.0-b1265, Forge 1855

  • On wilderness water and lava is flowing, grass is growing, pistons and redstone clocks is working. Dont forget to check your globalflags.yml to see if is all alowed/denied;
  • On regions all is working with exception piston stop to work after first activated with redstone clock, before connect to redstone clock worked fine with levers, stop to working only after connect to redstone clock;
  • Fire still spreading with flag fire off;
  • Flag sign is working as spected on regions;

Please, list all bugs or issues you are having to i fix;

Download the latest Snapshot!

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Biggest issue we were all waiting on was how players can multiple unlimited amounts of blocks in flowing water and lava.

Oh shure, i really dont know how this is possible with RedProtect. Maybe when deny the flow and enabling after may cause this issue.

Yay, i found a way to fix this bug. The problem is with flow-damage, but now i have changed some thiks to change the way the blocks is checked and using another event, and seems to be fixed :slight_smile:

Download the Snapshot and test, please.


Not working for me. But Iā€™m running forge 1808 (and Sponge 1265).

Would I have to remove old files from RedProtect to upgrade? My Globalflags(.conf) didnt change :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I should add that this is not on a fresh server/install.

Maybe other mods or plugins is interfering on rp protection? Tryed to run with only RedProrect installed?

Tried removing all ā€œnon-essentialā€ mods, like worldedit, essentialcmds, etc. Still not working. So might be a problem with pixelmon then or it didnā€™t update correctly :confused:

The dupe-bug seems to be fixed though but only in claimed areas, not in the wilderness.
Trees donā€™t seem to grow at all an grass wonā€™t spread. With grass I mean dirt-block ā†’ grass-block.

Will try to ā€œdebugā€ more and try different things to see if some of the things are just situational.

EDIT: Yeah, tree grow works inside claimed regions but not in wilderness :slight_smile: So most things seem to be fixed, atleast inside claimed regions.

EDIT #2: Saw grass spreading inside a claimed region as well. So everything you claimed to have fixed works inside regions (but not outside of regions) which is good.

when use a bucket to pick someone elseā€™s lava, you can get than a lot of empty bucketsā€¦


./rp limit {user} and /rp claimlimit {user}
Do not work anymore since the 6.4.1 update.

You can successfully list a users claim limit and block limit ONLY if they are online.
If they are not online, it then shows ā€œuser has never joined the serverā€

/rp info also still does not work if any members of the region are offline.

How allow pressure plate for monsters without damage from creepers?

I think is solved.

What you mean?

I will take a look :neutral_face:

If ā€œentity-block-damage=falseā€ in globalflags.conf, then monsters cannā€™t activate pressure plate. If ā€œentity-block-damage=trueā€, then they can, but creepers and tnt destroy blocks