:shipit: SeriousVote 4.8.4 ―Your one stop Votifier Listener API 5/6/7

Could you please show me your config


Got it to work

In the config it says the perm is seriousvotes.commands.vote but its actually seriousvote.commands.vote. Just a little bug I might point out because it kinda did throw me off.

Thanks alot for pointing that out I’ll fix it when getting a chance.

Also is there something wrong with my config? Because this isn’t giving out any rewards at all when we vote.

My Config:

Crash In Console:

SpongeForge: 2005
Forge: 2171

Hey there, I’m taking a look at the error. I am also going to test your config and see what’s going on. Sorry it took so long to reply I’ve been travelling.

I found the issue, it has to do with the fact that there are no random rewards, I’ll submit a fix as soon as I can.

SeriousVote 2.1

-Fixed issues with providing rewards with an empty random list.

Alright so the issue was partly that your random was empty, but random-rewards-number wasn’t set to 0. And the rest of the issue had to do with the chance map being loaded while there was no loot in it.

Can you open source this?

For the time being my project will remain closed source. In the future this will change.

Could there be a possible way for the plugin to hold votes until the player is online?

Does this work with votifier or only nuvotifier?

Yep, working on that.

It was tested with nuVotifier, and listens for the onVote event. Is there a reason why you don’t use nuVotifier? If so let me know and I’ll consider testing for both in the future.

Anyway you could add a option to store the votes ? For example in a sql database so we can track how many votes each player has done a month etc

It’s a planned feature being worked on. Haven’t had much time to put into new features.

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I know you have a lot planned but if you ever want to add a temporary reward system that would be really useful for me. Like I need players who vote to get access to a permission for 24 hours then remove the permission

That’s already part of some permissions systems actually. For instance in luck perms you might do /LP user {player} permission settemp node.node.node true 24h.

My plugins only work with pex unfortunately