SimpleTablist - Customize your tablist with PlaceholderAPI support!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, SimpleTablist. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


This very simple plugin allows you to customize the header and footer of your tablist. You can edit the text in the config file. The tablist will be updated after a restart or a plugin reload (/sponge plugins reload simpletablist). You have to rejoin after a reload to see the effect.

Version 1.2.0: PlaceholderAPI is supported but not required.

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

This very simple plugin allows you to customize your tablist. You can edit the text in the config file. The tablist will be updated after a restart or a plugin reload (/sponge plugins reload simpletablist). You have to rejoin after a reload.

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

-bStats integration
-update checker

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

Specified the dependency of Sponge

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

PlaceholderAPI support but not required.

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

-removed console spamming
-changed update notification

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

This plugin allows you to customize your tablist.

A new version has been released for SimpleTablist, it is available for download here.

Removed bStats because nobody was using it anyway and it caused problems.

Hi, can you add LuckPerms support ?