[Discontinued] SimpleVotifierListener [v0.6.5]

Okay I need your help I am trying to set a command reward so each player get a crate key(edited)
this is how I did it rewards { # Number of random rewards a player will receive. amount=1 - Pastebin.com
rewards { # Number of random rewards a player will receive. amount=1 - Pastebin.com

but it isn’t wokring
the command to run a crate to is /crate key Vote @p 1(edited)

my error report as well

I’m not sure you can put text like that directly into the config:


try changing it to


Idk why but it doesnt give the rewards

Can you give more info?

economy {
# Toggles economy support.
vote {
# Toggles the announcing of votes.
# Your voting links, seperated by commas. Accessed by doing /vote

rewards {
# Number of random rewards a player will receive.
# Possible reward commands for voting.
commands=“minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_sword 1,minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond 5,minecraft:give @p minecraft:book”
# Mode for giving rewards. Set to ‘all’ to give one of each, set to ‘random’ to give ‘amount’ number of random rewards.
money {
# Maximum amount of money a player can get for voting.
# Minimum amount of money a player can get for voting.

Not just your config, I’d need your Sponge version, Forge version (if applicable), etc. and probably your log

ok here you have:


There is your problem. SimpleVotifier doesn’t support 1.11.2

Ok ty but it showsd the links and all of that thinks and will you update to 1.11.2

Perhaps adding /votifierlistener reload functionality to reload the configuration? Maybe providing the option to disable the underlining of links? They look bulky and the overlap other links.


In other news…

New build for API 7 coming out soon.

what do I use?
/votifierlistener addreward crate key Event %p
/votifierlistener addreward crate key Event @p

and how do I remove a link?

As of today, 8/29/2018, curscascis says his SeriousVote and Serious NuVotifier plugins are up-to-date, actively maintained, and working for Sponge APIs 4, 5, 6, and 7. He also wants anyone who needs help to contact him using the Discord he links to on his SeriousVote page.