⛄ NPCs [v3.0.0] - Easiest and Best NPC plugin

One thing I see this plugin currently lacking is for the ability to run commands. In my honest opinion, added that feature will help this plugin prosper! Good work!

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Keep in mind that this is v1.0.1. A lot of stuff will be added. Ill add a planned features list. I am definately planning on adding that soon though.

All good, just figured I mention it since there currently wasn’t a planned description! Definitely curious to see what else you do with these little guys!

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Heya! Great looking plugin you have! Is there any chance you could add a way to change the npcs model. For instance, possibly making the NPC a Pixelmon model?

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I cant change models on a plugin level, so pixelmon models arent going to work. I will at one point add the options to spawn NPC entities from mods, but i still have to figure out a way to find wether EntityTypes are combatible with being NPC’s (must be Living, etc). This however wont includes pixelmon, because i think the mod doesnt have seperate entities for each pokemon. Also, the chisel in pixelmon exists, so you dont really need it anyways.

Alala, how did I miss this topic :astonished:

I can’t wait to have a look, great job ! Did you use code from Reveries ?

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Yea, it does have the chisel. However, I’d love to have interactive Pokemon so you can talk to them as part of quests etc :slight_smile: Looks good regardless

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Ive seen the project, but i didnt use any of its code. Everything is made by me.

You could have forked but that’s nice you did everything, there are two npc plugins available now :slight_smile:

Quests would be awesome! Good job so far though!

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Very excited for the new features.

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Here is a little teaser for version 1.1.0 :slight_smile:


Great job :slight_smile: does this mean we can add commands for the npcs to run now?

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Once i finish it, yes. It will be able to have multiple commands and messages at the same time, and you can choose to perform them randomly, in order, repeatingly or only once per player.

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Hey, your plugin looks great!
Any chance we can save NPCs external in a json file anytime soon? (Like citizens)
I like editing savefiles instead of flying around and editing them via commands:)

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@tridaak @Shockey

Version 1.1.0 is out now!


  • New NPC clickable Menu
  • Made commands for internal use only
  • NPC Actions
    • Messages
    • Player Commands
    • Console Commands
  • Added Horse Colors
  • Added Horse Styles
  • Added PlaceholderAPI integration (optional but recommended)
  • Tons of tweaks, changes and edits
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Been waiting for this. Can’t wait to use it. Are you planning to add any sort of cost function to the command side of the npc, it would prove very useful to require money from an economy plugin or items to use an npc. Thanks for the great work!

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Im not sure that i will add that, because it is not really a function that this plugin should provice, but more something for an essentials plugin or economy plugin. I know that some plugins already support it, so it should already be do-able.

You can use command kits or nucleus’ command kits in order to bundle commands together and have them have costs (then have the npcs run those commands for the players).

Or have the first command to be run, be taking a certain amount of money from the player. Assuming that if one command fails, it stops executing the rest of the commands (not sure if @Mr_Daniel12321 has this).

Would be neat if this plugin had that, but not a necessity. Same with adding a cooldown :wink:
There’s so much potential for this plugin, I can’t wait for future releases. I mean, current release is fantastic as it is.

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How about an event listener that checks if an item is present in players hand when clicking on NPC. If yes it performs command, if no it returns chat error message