So the regular rank is being given out now :D

Not sure but I guess you can check those stats here: (just place .json in front of your name).

Sadly enough its not what I thought it was:

But like you see, you can easy get information if you place .json after your url :smile:.

So I decided to screw with the regular rank badge a bit… xD


Sponge Irregulars

Regular has been hastened
By the Overlords in charge
I want more of what I tasted
Super-Size me - I want Large!


I like the minimal gray-text that is currently next to names. Blue makes it daunting to non-regulars and rapes the eye when scrolling through hundred-post long threads.

I was just doing it for fun, although after I reloaded the page the change stuck for some reason and got applied to the entire site, then I thought the devs actually used my idea. Until I reloaded again to see it gone… xD

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That would be really funny.

Also congrats to @DarkArcana for being the 6th regular :clap: (not sure why he wasn’t already though :stuck_out_tongue: )


We didn’t give ourselves ranks. Or at least I didn’t.

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