[Solved] ItemInHand Enchantments

How can i get the enchantments of the iteminhand ?

You need to use the data api.
This gets the item that a player is holding. Checks to see if an item is present in the player’s hand. Gets the optional enchantment data. And checks if there are enchantments on the item.

Optional<ItemStack> optional = player.getItemInHand();
// Check if the player is holding an item
if(optional.isPresent()) {
    ItemStack stack = optional.get();
    // Get the enchantment data, if present
    Optional<EnchantmentData> data = stack.getData(EnchantmentData.class);
    if(data.isPresent()) {
        // We know there are enchantments, so it is safe to get the enchantment data
        EnchantmentData enchantmentData = data.get();
        player.sendMessage(Texts.of("There are enchantments!"));
    } else {
        player.sendMessage(Texts.of("No enchantments"));

OK and how can i check if an enchantment like Sharpness is there?

almost, @intronate67 .

EnchantmentData is a map of Enchatment to an integer (enchant level). Therefore you’d want to use:


To try and get the sharpness enchant type from the item, and see if it exists.