[Solved] modifyWorldGenerator not called

I pushed a potential fix. Update to latest version and try again.

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Could you apply that to Sponge Forge mod? Currently that is the one I’m using.

SpongeCommon is the common code between the vanilla and forge implementations. Anything in SpongeCommon ends up in these projects.

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Phew, its been a busy few weeks for me.

So using the latest dev builds and the same code as above, it looks like it works!!.. sorta.

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There’s a bug where the spawn chunk can end up being from the normal world generator. As for the rest it’s probably your world generator that needs to be debugged.

Oh no, that is exactly what my world generator was supposed to do. Looks like its basically fixed save for the spawn chunk bug.

EDIT: I’m gonna call this thread solved. Looks like it was a bug with an early dev release that lead to my original problem.

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