[Solved] New Event system removed working events

Hey, Ive been building a plugin for a whille using Sponge, I was using the older API but I keep up to date with the sponge API and major updates I will update my code to the API. Anyway thats enough about my backstory.

I know EntityMoveEvent never got fully implemented, however I did know that PlayerMoveEvent worked. Ive been searching back and forth for PlayerMoveEvent (probably called MovePlayerEvent now) in what i think is the logical places to put it. If it has been removed I want to know why.

Take a look at DisplaceEntityEvent
PlayerMoveEvent == DisplaceEntityEvent.Move.TargetPlayer

didnt think to look there, ill look now

Quite a few events have been made inner classes. Keep that in mind when you’re updating your plugin(s).