Sponge should have X!

Safely, unfortunately not. The server itself would have to be written to utilize multithreading/gpgpu. In terms of gpgpu external libraries such as opencl would have to be imported, along with multithreading the code would have to be multithreaded safe to prevent data corruption (two threads executing different tasks to modify one shared variable at the same time is bad).
Check out this video for a better explanation.

This could easily cause world corruption along with other horrid irreversible problems.

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WhiteList or BlackList for additional client mods?
Multilanguage like


Spout, yes.

Spigot? No, never. Spigot is about doing low-level changes to how the server jar works, functionality which is not exposed through any kind of API.

When people ask if Sponge will support what Spigot is doing, they are basically asking for performance adjustments. Performance of vanilla CraftBukkit (which is minecraft_server.jar + code for loading plugins) is terrible because performance of vanilla server is terrible.

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localization support?

Hopefully this will make it so people will stop asking for special features in Sponge. Very good and well written article.

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So what I take from this is you want plugins built into sponge?

I think that plugins should be separate from the Sponge API.

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I agree with this.

Good idea for topic, because Minecraft is one of most played games at this time (without WoW, Guild Wars etc…) - most played of Sandbox game. This topic is good for young part of MC community, which don’t understand how modded MC works… I don’t want to say, all of childrens which is playing MC are stupid, but when you are young, you don’t understand a lot of things.

Nice Work :smile:


while I agree with the basic information in this post I disagree on some points. Especially certain core functions need to be implemented in Sponge directly so that plugins can use those.

Those core functions are:

A Registry for custom stuff (blocks, entities, items etc)

That doesn’t mean that Sponge should implement those functions, that can be done by plugins, but it is necessary to have a common “language” between plugins in those areas.

Otherwise a plugin will again support X different Protection plugins or economies. In Bukkit we had vault just because of that, but it would be wiser to have this directly in the core api.


I would like to have:
'/plugins reload" to reload all plugins
“/plugins reload pluginName” to reload a plugin while pluginName is not CaSe SeNsItIvE.
“/mods reload” to reload all mods
“/mods reload modName” to reload a mod while modName is not CaSe SeNsItIvE.

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i dont know about mods. They load with minecraft, you cant just reload them.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

As much as I am intently following the development of sponge, I don’t quite understand the full list of features. As far as I have seen plugins will exist. The word Forge has also been thrown around, does this mean that sponge will run similarly to MCPC+, Cauldron, Etc. loading both mods and plugins, if so I assume current ‘forge mods’ will be compatible. Also I have seen the mention of ‘Glowstone’, when I looked into Glowstone I understood that it was basically the server developed fro the ground up, instead of using minecraft’s builds as a base (excuse me if I am wrong), does this also mean that sponge is going to be built similarly, and if so does this mean that users will require a special ‘Sponge Client’.


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Sponge for Forge and Sponge for Glowstone will be two separate implementations of the SpongeAPI. I believe those are the two current “official” implementations planned by the Sponge team. Neither will require a special client, although the Forge implementation might require a modded client if any of the server side Forge mods require it. Yes, the Forge implementation will also support Forge mods, but as usual: beware incompatibilities. :slight_smile:


I think that Sponge needs more services, and ways to replace them. Like, f’rinstance, one for chat.

All services are replaceable and have been for a while now. And maybe describe what a service would do for chat? Maybe open an API issue to expose one for chat?

What is X? I honestly have no idea. Sorry if this topic is old.

It’s like sponge should have | insert feature here |