Sponge Status Update -18th April 2015

Simply put, there are very few developers on this project who use NetBeans.

Nevertheless, NetBeans workspace setup is described on SpongeDocs.

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Hello Sponge Communauty,
Sorry for my english, i speak french usualy…
Can someone, create the topic announcements for the State of Sponge 3 the 25/4/15?
Coz it s good to know it directly when we connect on spongepowered…
Hope u understand what i want say… Thx for your work…
See you tomorow…


Just a reminder everyone, State of Sponge III is at 9PM UTC. http://everytimezone.com/#2015-4-25,540,cn3

We would highly appreciate it if everyone could post any questions they have in this thread, we’d love to answer as many as possible.

I can assure everyone that you’ll want to tune to the livestream, as we have a great deal to discuss. As always, we will have a demonstration server set up with some cool demo plugins. We hope to see you there! :blush:

Join us at: http://www.twitch.tv/SpongePowered


How will direct plugin downloading (Ore straight to server) be handled?

Is there an estimated time when the web overhaul will be done and pushed to live?

What optimizations are currently implemented, and which ones are waiting to be?


Will it be possible to append custom metadata with the new data API?

Why don’t you rename Sponge to SpongeForge?

When will you publish the LLC financial status?


NOW is always the best time - so the best way to improve time of development is release even an experimental playable version with bugs like spigot did with 1.7 and let users report bugs suggestions etc, and you need to use some of PM techniquis GANTS for features and GOALS. currently its very hard to develop servers my network is hold right now and i dont change anything becouse i’m not sure witch way is good. meybe sponge ?

There is an “experimental playable version”; you just have to compile it yourself :wink:

And the most hated question ever:
Any ETA on a first alpha jar of Sponge oder SpongeVanilla? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d ask the same Q as boformer and dotdash.