Sponge Support for the Love and Hugs update?

Mojang’s latest update has changed a few mechanics of Minecraft. I’d like some feedback to Sponge updating ASAP. First, a PR should be opened soon to support the love system. A PlayerDamageEvent is no longer needed, and the Entity Component System will need to update. Quite a few new Block Types will be needed.

Happy April Fools everyone :smiley:

Cue that guy who will link to the “Sponge should have x!” thread.


actually i’d just tell you to go make an issue or pr on github.


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I’m seriously getting tired of people not using the Search function before posting topics. We already have a topic for this.


That reduced me to tears.

@ButterDev being a regular, I expected this to be an April fools. Turns out I was right :wink:

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I’m just waiting for the idiot who makes a serious thread about this.

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