Sponge XenForo

In the few threads where this might be the case, either press the END button on your keyboard, or click on the bottom button in the progress meter widget thingy in the bottom right.

Just adding onto this, IP.Board 4 looks pretty promising and should be coming pretty soon also. :smile:

I am, honestly, absolutely in love with Discourse and I hope no one is actually serious about switching to XenForo, SMF, or IPB (or anything else, reallyā€¦)


Discourse seems pretty nice. However, I think people donā€™t like it because they are not familiar with it, I know that Iā€™m not. I know that everyone is relatively familiar with XenForo, because, well, itā€™s XenForo.

Yes, that is very convenient, but has nothing to do with the things I think could be improved. :confused:

For theming: Sponge Forums Theme Central :wink:

I think this forum will look a heck of a lot better once thereā€™s less white space. I could get used to it.

That being said, it does have itā€™s downsidesā€¦


^ Relevant information

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Iā€™d much rather see a move to xenforo than stay on this currentā€¦ thing.
Iā€™m not a fan, but I can mention worse forum choices.

xenForo is more extensible and Iā€™ve used it in the past, but personally I prefer IP.Board over it.
Though this is my first time with Discourse and so far I love it.

I noticed somebody mentioned esoTalk earlier, Iā€™M NOT ALONE! I love that just as much as Discourse and IP.Board.

I a really starting to like Discourse. Switching at this point would just seem pointless.


I feel like we should stay away from XenForo, as it reminds us all of Bukkit, and we should go in another direction.


This by far is my favorite forum software Iā€™ve ever used.


I know my opinion doesnā€™t matter much, but I find Discourse to be a pain to navigate. It seems unorganized and not so user-friendly. Not saying to switch to Xenforo, but if there is anything that can be done(theme/modification) to make this more structured and organized, I would be all for it.


I really prefer forums using Xenforo/Ipboardā€¦ Obviously it isnā€™t my decision to make but I feel like this one is harder to navigate, I prefer the straight-forwardness of xenforo etc.

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I like Xenforo too, but this is different and so far I like how this works.

I am actally really starting to get attached to the current system.
Itā€™s new and diffrent compared to forums I have been on

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I would much prefer XenForo, or if even I suggest http://iko.im/ for a good open source php forum, but this current forum is not very appealing, and lags for me on my not so good computer.

I dislike discourse currently. The way it works is confusing, and ctrl+f is broken, as threads arenā€™t stored in the browser DOM. Also, the actual search function of discourse doesnā€™t find what I want it to anyway, whereas a ctrl+F would.

I forgot to mention elsewhere that text/post formatting options/features are also at least ridiculousā€¦

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