SpongePowered at Minecon 2016

SpongePowered is at Minecon!

We’re running an awesome booth with the help of our awesome friends at MCProHosting, hopefully we’ll see a bunch of friendly faces around.

Stay tuned to our Twitter Feed for more news!

We’re also livestreaming our booth at: both Twitch.tv and the exciting new Beam.pro, we’re very keen to see how everyone enjoys the experience, so go check our streams out!

Sponge Team Outfits

As you can see, we’ve got awesome new team shirts, professionally modeled by our very own @Aaron1011. If you see any of the team around the event, come and say hello!


The Booth

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Keep it up! Good luck! Thank you for your work!

So. Awesome. The API is amazing… one of the best I’ve ever worked with, in or out of minecraft. :slight_smile:

a wild gravityfox has appeared at Minecon


Well I just saw a bunch of kids at Minecon…

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More Pics! Human Pyramid! Show us the Bling!
… and keep on having a great time, folks!

Now for some blatant bardification:

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Oh Railcraft! Cool!

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