[Discontinued] SpongyChest [v0.4.8] - Player Shops

EconomyLite can do anything with SpongyChest?

SpongyChest doesn’t work yet, it is WIP. Secondly I have no idea what the above sentence means, if you mean is it compatible, then it will be, as it hooks into the Economy API

Release v0.4

Tested on SpongeForge 1286

First release of SpongyChest, more details here.

When doing /spongychest alone…

Release v0.4.1

Tested on SpongeForge 1286


  • Minor bug fixes

So from the video it seems that it does not support selling items yet, is that correct? Also, would it be possible for an argument of the command to create a sign that has a similar layout to the old ChestShop plugin instead and works in the same manner, as both I and many players of my server are more used to that style and feel it is more intuitive. So it would be up to shop creator which version they want, or it could be a config option for the entire server.


Found an issue with the ChestShop selling PokeBalls. I can throw as many as I want and other players can get them. The items that the players get, they are real PokeBalls. Can the item just delete from the chest rather going to 0?

Hm, must be a bug with how I am doing the inventory stuff, will look into this today.

You mean selling items to chests? No that is not a option yet, but it is a planned feature - I’ll make the option to use a sign instead Configurable later on.

Yeah, selling to chests. I am not able to test it right now, but it also seems you are not able to set an amount, is that a planned feature as well?

This would be great, it is rather odd reducing it to 0. I came across the problem as well in one of my plugins, but it can probably be fixed by something like checking if there is only one left before removing the item and if so, delete the item instead of decrementing the amount. There is probably a simpler way though in the InventoryAPI, not sure.

No. That is already possible, you just hold the amount you want to sell, when using /setshop

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Release v0.4.2

Tested on SpongeForge 1288


  • Minor bug fixes

@Txk Fixed in v0.4.2 :slight_smile:

Release v0.4.3

Tested on SpongeForge 1303


  • ItemFrames for SpongyChest shops now are protected and are tied to the shop - meaning you can right click the frame to buy items, and left click to delete the shop.

So can you set it that you cant make a chest shop that is not against a wall or that people can look at the chest and see what it is selling? We kind of figured out you can make a shop in an open space and scam players with it. Because the itemframe doesnt appear unless there is a block it can attatch on. One solution we found is that can you force the itemframe to attatch to the chest because that would be a useful way to fix this issue.

I’ll fix that using your solution soon :wink:

When right cilck. no itemframe display. how to solve ? Sponge 4.1.0-1212

Can I have more information on this error?

EDIT: Nevermind, I think it’s the same issue as:

Release v0.4.4

Tested on SpongeForge 1352


  • Bug fixes with not being able to use SpongyChest in vanilla environments.

Are you going to update this so its compatible with 4.2.0?