Status update - 16 September, 2014

Please Take your time to do it right, don’t rush it and then be demotivated if it does not work/get accepted.

I wish I was able to help but have never programmed Java before.

I would like to thank all the people that are Giving there free time and effort to save the “Multiplayer server scene”.

Sorry for my english, i might make some mistakes in grammar or spelling, I’m dutch.

best regards, SaSaa_86


That was already possible with custom entities :stuck_out_tongue: It WAS much harder though and required nms access.

Ok, thanks in advance :smiley:

Here come my five cents :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I personally think you could have somethin (vaguely) similar to a stacktrace.

You could have something like

public class PlayerDisconnectedEvent extends Event {

    protected Event triggeringEvent;

    public Event getTriggeringEvent() {
        return this.triggeringEvent; //which would be the kick event

    protected void setTriggeringEvent(Event trigger) {
        this.triggeringEvent= trigger;

    //Note that the property and it's getter and setter should be defined in Event and inherited.


That way, you could explore through events and see the cause for diconnecting, then getting the cause event for kicking and so on and so forth.

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Keep up the good work, I feel that this will result in something great.

I didn’t really got the plugins.
Guess sponge will need special plugins made for it, or basic plugins already made will work?
Also good luck with the release.

Bukkit plugins are made using Bukkit’s API.
For Sponge, you’ll need plugins made using Sponge’s API.
You can still have the same plugins you had over at Bukkit, but they will have to be ported over to Sponge before you can use them.

This caught my eye and made me laugh because I do the exact same thing with my private plugins! One of my plugins is currently in version “Comedic Kangaroo”


I know you guys are rewriting the code. But how long do you think it will take to update to 1.8. And i was Woundering how i might apply to help Develop the new Api?

All and all good luck to you. Can’t white tell i can use the api!

PlayerQuitEvent in Bukkit, is ALWAYS fired whenever a player leaves the game. That is good, the PlayerKickEvent gets fired ONLY if the player was kicked. If you’re trying to do some player-leave-the-server code, then only listen for PlayerQuitEvent, but you’d listen for PlayerKickEvent if you actually cared about the kick, for example, the kick message.

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According to the 1.7 nms code, pathfinding uses a component system, this also includes the grass eating mc-dev/net/minecraft/server/ at master · Bukkit/mc-dev · GitHub

Am I missing something here?

Awesome this is one of the best projects. keep up the good work


A true ECS system only stores data in its components. The pathfinding code in MC has logic in its “components.”

Really, it’s a semantic issue. Fundamentally it’s the old concept of composition vs. inheritance.

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Sounds good, something like…

event.getCauseId(); //1 = Timeout, 2 = Kicked, 3 ...

Could be helpful for several events, not only DisconnectEvents.

I would prefer enums - more understandable when reading code.

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Yes, I thought of that as well. Especially, if .getCauseId() was used in more than one event.

Heheh… heh…

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You sir, got me good. I tried to click the like too button to increase to 70 and ruin your fun but apparently, png<>button. Clever, very clever.

We’ll I personally like the sound of this

69 likes xD, This is so funny, NOT.

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