I don’t want to be lurked, I am a lurker from now on…
Hello. My name is @jus1in and I am a lurker.
Hi, @jus1in. Welcome to the Lurkers Anon. meeting. Tell us a bit about yourself?
An Extract from the Scientific Research Manual and Songbook of Yggdrasyl Laboratories
Free FLARD from the Bard is hard to obtain
This circus of Lurkers needs workers to train
What remains of the brains gone insane in this cult
Make your own stake, or just fake a result.
I could probably call myself a lurker… almost.
I am a developer who had had a bit of experience with Bukkit, and was sad to see it killed. I am excited to see Sponge appearing.
I used to write Bukkit plugins the the server Arkfall, but that server has died, so I’m not sure what I’ll do next.
So… where do we submit these *cough* completely accurate and truthful *cough* scientific papers to obtain the mighty FLARD?
Me wants all ze FLARD. Also, I need to stop posting random nonsense.
I just found a table where you can see user statistics; a lurker leaderboard!
Oh shit… Why am I so high up?
With this link, you have most likely triggered the most intense lurker war on the planet.
I’m right below you actually @TBotV63
I’ve made the most topics of all time o.o
My name is sfxworks and I have been diagnosed with Internet Troll Personality Disorder oh wait another bukkit thread I’m moving to reddit
Jeese, the amount of likes I have given, the most on the forums
Oh well, at least I am #1 for something.
Meanwhile I’m #1 in total posts
I call BS <dfghjklö>
Im kinda up there…
I’m apparently top in posts read all time, more than 1500 posts before #2. I’m also second in Topics entered, 3 topics behind Owexz. Too bad the Lounge disappeared while I was gone
… does this mean I’m the biggest lurker on here?
So, I don’t want to seem too invested in lurking, but is anybody else unable to access Sponge Forums