Swappa 1.0-r2.1 - Swap out populated blocks for something else!


A plugin that swaps populated blocks with configurable ones. It is licensed under the MIT License.



See the generated blockstates.yml and populators.yml in ~/config/swappa for configuration.

To print out all blockstates to ~/config/swappa/dump.yml run /dump. This requires the permission node swappa.command.dump.


Note: If you do not have Gradle installed then use ./gradlew for Unix systems or Git Bash and gradlew.bat for Windows systems in place of any gradle command.

To build Swappa, simply run gradle. The compiled jar is located in ./libs/.


I normally don’t make plugins and release them…but this was a fun side project so I’m sharing it.

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Nice job Zidane

The subtle uses of this are breathtaking. So are some of the unsubtle uses…

Redstone Block Trees with TNT leaves. A world in action!

Well done, Zidane, may your trees remain less exciting. :smile:



This also has mod support, which I haven’t dived in to greatly (though should)

You need only know the mod_id as well as it’s block_id.

For example:

    stone: pixelmon\master_chest

That backslash is important. Keep in mind that if you choose to map the master_chest in blockstates.yml you won’t need to provide it like the above.

Is this the first almura sponge plugin?

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Hi @Zidane!

Just wondering if this plugin works on Sponge API 4? :smile: