The rollback Sponge

Can you develop your idea Please.
Thank you in advance.

Again, I donā€™t think the issue you are facing is Sponge-related. This seems like normal lag.
I created a Sponge server running the latest Forge and Sponge versions I donā€™t see any lag issues. The block drops almost instantly almost zero delay.

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Yes we the voice in the video I posted her be with or without Forge Sponge I have roolback for those not its operator as I show in the video.

So the trail of a legal problem but I vote not square what I do is not to install the mods that I have no right to create or configure the server in the creation as we see in the video so a problem the right can be a track I await your proposal?.

What trail of legal problem? What vote not square? I donā€™t understand what you mean. :confused: Which proposal?

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Sorry ^^ google translator.
If it is because of the players leave the rollback is how I can see if its just the can you give me the solution if you like me ^^.

Thank you in advance.

Would you mind uploading your server files? Iā€™ll see if I can reproduce this on my end with your files.

You want the world or the full minecraft server?.

The full minecraft server instance not the whole server.

Here is the test server that I am in the video change the settings file yours.

Well Iā€™ve done some testing with sponge and I havenā€™t seen your issues with lagging blocks. Although Iā€™ve had a few messages about the server canā€™t keep up in the logs. Iā€™m not surprised as running the client and server on the same local machine is not optimal.

Forgive the poor encoding on this video. Any lag perceived is due the encoding.

My machine I5-2500k processor with 8 gigs of RAM

If your server that your MC instances hosted is virtualized thereā€™s a performance penalty. Given the hardware of your server you should not have trouble running your map. Unfortunately virtualization complicates things and it needs to be optimized for MC servers. You might want to talk to your hosting service provider.

As for your testing on your local machine and having the same issue I canā€™t seem to replicate it on my hardware.

Make sure running the latest Java 8 64 bit. Uninstall all other instant of Java besides the latest version unless you absolutely need them.

Thank you for your test, but I see in the video that you are not operator mode to break the torch and you have no rollback me either I was not.

But in the video when you pass operator mode you block breaks with and without tnt and you did not like me rollback to normal operator mode you activate.

But you try to break the block without operator mode to see if you to rollback?.

In your video when you break the block you see it is therefore logical operator mode you can not rollback.

But normal player mode without operator mode can you show me if you break the earth or wood you for rollbacks video please you.

Thank you in advance.

The results would be the same. I went ahead and made another one anyway. It allowed me to test out the video encoding setting. I experimented as a normal player and as an op. No block lag.

This means or something is wrong, as others have said, with your PC/server environment in regards to power or set up. Iā€™m fresh out of the ideas. I can say with a high degree of certainty Sponge is definitely not a primary factor.

Thank you for the test as I see you did not lag I ask only one other person to also test the server and no home either no rollback concern.

I did another test on my home pc and is the rollback so I uninstall all Java version that I have at home and I reinstall the latest version and I always rollback I is an idea what to do?.

Thank you for the track I found on my PC I had the next version of java.
Update Version 8 66

I replace.
Java SE Development Kit 8u66

And for the server I uninstall any version of Java by that though.

java version "1.8.0_66"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)

And most rollback thank you again to everyone for the help.