Third-Party Plugin Repository

I’ve a question: am I allowed to create my own public plugin repository for Sponge? Just to offer an alternative to Ore. I would love it to contribute to Ore but I’m not familiar with Python.

I think that would not only depend of Sponge staff (and Ore) but also on the license of the Plugins. If a plugin author denies the right to (re-)distribute for third-parties, you’re obviously not allowed to host his plugin :wink:

Another problematic aspect: Who keeps the plugins on your repo updated? You’d basically have to browse through all plugin repos and grab fresh copies yourself. Or even worse: grab the code and compile all plugins yourself.

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The project wouldn’t be a clone/mirror of Ore. The developers would use my project or both to share their plugins with the community.

Which brings you back to the same problem. People are more likely to use the official Ore repo because they are more likely to get attention there. There’s nothing stopping you from making it, it’s just actually getting updated plugins on it that will be an issue.

I think it’s less of an issue of whether you can but rather why you would… You might be underestimating the amount of work and effort you would have to put in, especially if you don’t have any reason or motivation better than “Just to offer an alternative to Ore”.

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This is my reason:

I would love it to contribute to Ore but I’m not familiar with Python.

I also have tons of ideas to implement in this kind of project and I also just love to develop projects. It’s a hobby. But thank you for the positive response.

I just want to make sure that there is no “legal issue” or anything else.

I apologize - I must not have read that part of your original post. I’m actually in much of the same position as you are myself - I’m much more familiar with Javascript-based frameworks like Angular and Aurelia than I am with Django.

There shouldn’t be any legal issues (that I’m aware of)


What language were you thinking of? I’m not sponge staff, but do you think if there is a possibility that if you can implement something better and faster on a different platform, that they would be willing to swap?

This is a good question. The project will be based on PHP 7 in combination of the Laravel 5 framework. I’ve found a benchmark that compares the speed of PHP 7 to Python 3 ( but I’m not sure how accurate the results are.

I will try to convince the developers and other people with awesome features, good service and of course: a good user experience.

It would be a pity if you created a project, put much work into it and at the end, nobody uses it because of Ore. Yes, Ore seems to be “still in development for ages” but in fact, it is already in Gamma development stage. That means even though not all features are done, yet, it should already be stable. Besides that, I don’t think an official plugin distribution system is indispensable as long as there are not even recommended builds of a Sponge implementation.

I absolutely do understand your point of view, but I also think it’s a good challenge for me because I’ve never done something like this before, so even if it fails, I would learn a lot of things but of course it would be also disappointing.

As far as i’m aware, Django is a lot better for what Ore needs than PHP.

I’m not sure on the specifics, but i can ask my boyfriend.

He’s written sites in PHP, then rewritten them in Node.js, and then again in Django.

Certain parts of Django are just too useful to not be used, or so i’m told.

All opinions are welcome, but as I mentioned earlier, I’ve no experience with Python that’s why I’m going with PHP 7 and Laravel. Laravel is as well as Django a super awesome and a powerful framework and it already has really good support for third-party services which I will use. :slightly_smiling:

Super awesome framework for php? Please tell me more.

This statement doesnt make any sence to me.

  • You are comparing web framework with dynamically typed language…
  • What exaclty means “is a lot better for what Ore needs” - Could you elaborate please. To be honest if anyone is more familiar with bash (and is brave enough) then can use CGI and the result will be same. Theres little-to no difference if you are choosing betwen languages such as python php ruby … Performace will be same, you will have to write ± same amount of code, all frameworks you can find are functionally similar. Only difference would be if you would want to build an enterprise app in asp or jee/spring. (But noone will ofcourse want to spend the time on it, This kind of development is extremly time comsuming)

I actually haven’t mucked with web stuff much. I’m just repeating what i’ve been told.

I could forward you to my boyfriend, who actually does lurk these forums.

It has something to do with docker containers and scalability and shiz.

Supposedly it’s also easier to use django for dynamic sites than php.

Again, just relaying what i’ve picked up from a few people.

We’re both talking about Laravel 5, am I right? I think it’s awesome with all the provided features and it would be greate if you just would tell me what you think, combined with some arguments. :wink:

I was being a bit sarcastic with the first sentece i wrote.

To be honest i saw lavarel only once in one side project. I was told like oh look lavarel is awesome, it can do mvc. If someone is trying to develop a mvc application in php … well…

For someone whos job is developing an enterprise bank system in java is using php and any php framework is a huge step back. Php is extremly poorly developed language (no, you can’t argue with that) it should have died like 10 years ago. Only advantage of php is its easy accessibility and cheap price of hosting and development. The worst pieces of code i have ever seen were written in php (i wonder why).

If you want to use php in a new project you should really reconsider it twice. But hey if you are familiar with php more than with anything else and you dont want to learn new things and principes why not. it will do its job. (somehow in its strange way)

If you would like to learn new things and principes like for example mvc/mvvc (which might be useful in your career) and you can host (mono is free, it does not include microsoft license hell, and should work fine on 4.0 application you should look at it.

Why not to try enterprise java? To be honest for someone who never touched any enterprise (java) app it could be hell. In java you have too much options you have to choose, too much different frameworks you have to know. JSF or Wicket, Hibernate or JDBC, Spring or JEE…

And why should you care about these things? Because if you learn either asp or java you can find more lucrative and much more interesting jobs than you could find as a php/python/ruby developer.

I do want to learn new things, but to use another language would be much more time consuming than just using PHP 7. I’ve some experience with Java, but only without any frameworks. I used it to develop some plugins for Bukkit/Spigot and I’m using it at school but I’m not a pro!

And to use the MVC pattern is more painful in Java than in PHP for me.

Why PHP and Symfony, and not Java? (Just to prove that PHP has made progress in the past)

That article is … wrong on all levels. All what was mentioned is only a list of things how “great” should be the Symphony framework. However the article does not contain a single point of cons or pros for spring.

Another point is that the article gives you misleading informations. Facebook has never (maybe in its early stages) been powered by php. Yes they used php to write certain parts but then they used source code transformer. I doubt php itself would handle such a massive app as facebook.

We could discuss on this topic for the whole year without a result. My last two cents.