Universe Guard - An easy to use world protection plugin for Sponge

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Universe Guard. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Universe Guard

This is a plugin created for all the people who want to setup a Minecraft server with easy protection regions like WorldGuard for Spigot/Bukkit.
This plugin runs with simple commands and is very similar to the already quoted WorldGuard.
If you find some bugs please let me know in the discuss session, on the issues tracker or in the Plugin releases thread linked below.
Currently available for Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.11.2 and 1.12.2.

Read more at: https://forums.spongepowered.org/t/universe-guard-2-an-easy-to-use-world-protection-plugin/

Check the wiki to know how the plugin works at: Home · JimiIT92/UniverseGuard2 Wiki · GitHub

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A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

A World Guard solution for Sponge

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

This is Universe Guard released for Minecraft 1.11.2

Read more at: UniverseGuard - A WorldGuard Solution for Sponge
Check the wiki at: https://github.com/JimiIT92/UniverseGuard/wiki/

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Added a glint effect to the Region Selector.
Fixed some minor bugs related to /rg add and /rg remove commands.
Unified code to support all versions above Minecraft 1.10.2. So now the same jar file can be used with MC-1.10.2, MC-1.11.2 and MC-1.12

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed a bug with the flag build in the Global Region.
Now if build is true and chests is false, Chests and Trapped Chests cannot be broken.
Now if build is true and enderchests is false, Ender Chests cannot be broken

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed some bugs related to non-vanilla entities spawning

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed mob spawning bugs

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed some major bugs, mostly related to dimensions


Many of you have reported that they can’t download the plugin from Ore. This is NOT a plugin issue, is a SPonge Ore problem (as reported by others on the Ore’s Issue tracker here Unable to download Plugin · Issue #258 · SpongePowered/Ore · GitHub) so please if you have any troubles downloading the plugin don’t report it as a plugin bug because it isn’t. If for any reason Ore doens’t let you donwload the plugin you can follow the direct link posted here: UniverseGuard - A WorldGuard Solution for Sponge
I hope this problem will be solved soon, since Ore is a really powerful system to let you know when a new version is released. Thank you for your comprehension :slight_smile:

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed some major bugs, mostly related to dimensions

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed major bugs

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed some chat formattings

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  1. icemelt: sets if ice will melt into the Region
  2. vinesgrowth: sets if vines will grow inside the Region
  3. enter: sets if players can enter a Region
  4. exit: sets if players can leave a Region
  • You can now set default values for non standard flags, like vehicles, explosions or interacts
  • Small additions for a better integration with Forge

Hi, I’m currently using Forge 2599 / Sponge API 7.1.0 and Sponge build 2842 for 1.12.2 of Minecraft. Will this mod work on these builds? Thanks -Steve

No, API7 version for MC-1.12 is still in development :confused:

Okay - thanks for the reply.

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  • Added new command /region template. Sets a pending Region to act as a template or not. If a Region is a template it won’t appear in the Regions list and won’t handle events in it. So is like the Region itself doesn’t exist while it is. Used so you can define many Regions with the same properties by defining just a Region and then copy this using the /region copy command.

  • Fixed a bug that spams the block placed in the console

Hi,I am using the Sponge API 5.1.0,Can I use the Universe Guard 2.13?

Hi, this project has been upgraded to this one: Universe Guard 2: an easy to use world protection plugin

And it only works with API6 (not the latest releases) and API7

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  • Remove messages: You can now remove the farewell and the greeting messages of a Region by using the /rg removefarewell and /rg removegreeting commands while editing a Region
  • "*" permission: You can now set the “*” permission in addition to the all permission. The result will be equivalent