Schematic qiesions plugins

Bonjour petite question
Je voulais sauvegarder une liste de BlockSnapshot, mais ça prend énormément de place!!! Est ce qu’il existe quelque chose pour réduire la place que cela prend en conf comme utiliser des Schematic ?
Je pensais enlever les clé WorldUuid et Position, puis les remettre quand j’utilise le BlockSnapshot

[Google trad]
Hello little question
I wanted to save a list of BlockSnapshot, but it takes up a lot of space !!! Is there anything to reduce the space it takes up like using Schematic?
I was thinking of removing the WorldUuid and Position keys, then putting them back when I use the BlockSnapshot
Thank you

Hello. If you wish to save schematics then you can as Sponge has support for the Sponge Schematic format that is used in WorldEdit for MC 1.13 and newer.

Here is a good starting point


Je peux avoir un exemple stp ?
[Google trad]
Can I have an example please?

Im on my phone so I haven’t been able to test this. I personally have not touched the in built schematics at all but its something like this.

ArchetypeVolume volume; //your collection of blocks
Schematic schematic = Schematic
            .metaValue(Schematic.METADATA_NAME, "Test")
File file = new File("schematics/test.schematic");
DataContainer container = DataTranslators.SCHEMATIC.translate(schematic);
try {
    FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
    DataFormats.NBT.writeTo(fileOutputStream, container);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
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Tu sais si on peut connaitre l’orientation d’un Item dans une ItemFrame ?

Do you know if we can know the orientation of an Item in an ItemFrame ?


ItemFrames are classsed as Entities within java Minecraft. According the MC wiki. The schematic file does support Entities in the form of “Entity Format” that holds all data for the entity including ItemRotation in the ItemFrame.

Merci, j’avais pas vu: Keys.ROTATION

Thank you, I had not seen: Keys.ROTATION

Bonjour, on peut tourner un Schematic sans utiliser de MutableBlockVolume, ça me fais perdre le contenu des coffres et panneaux?

Hello, can we rotate a Schematic without using MutableBlockVolume, does that make me lose the contents of the chest and sign ?